Aggregate Functions

  • Hi Guys,

    I am trying to get this result, can anyone give a lead or clue how to achieve this?

    Rep # of AuditsFinal StatusReasons Description

    Davis, David 23 Pass Matching Iconic

    Davis, David 12 InconclusiveCould not find location

    Davis, David 4 Inconclusive

    Davis, David 67 Pass

    Davis, David 43 Fail FMR: Parity & Auditor: Clean Store

    Davis, David 21 Fail

    Davis, David 12 Pass

    Davis, David 9 Pass

    Davis, David 34 Pass

    (Total Audits:) 225

    (Total Passes:) 145

    (Total Fails: ) 64

    (Total Inconclusives:) 16

  • What is your table structure? Is this one column?


    "There are no problems! Only solutions that have yet to be discovered!"

  • I'm assuming you are new to SQL, because (1) you have spaces in your column names and (2) you are asking us to list your source data together with totals having a different column structure than your source data. You aren't going to do that with one query. (3) You're creating more work by listing each of the totals on separate rows.

    To get you started, you can take the total of "passes" by means of a CASE statement, like this:

    SELECT SUM(CASE when [final status] = 'Pass' then [# of Audits] else 0 end) as Passes

    from whateverTable


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thank you bopeavy.

    My structure is like this,

    [REP] [# of Audits] [Final Status] [Reasons Description]

    Peter, Test 1 NULL NULL

    Peter, Test 1 Fail Matching Parity

    Peter, Test 1 Pass Matching Description

    Peter, Test 1 Pass Matching Iconic

    The REP field is a varchar, [# of Audits] field is of type bit and the remainig two fields [(Final Status] and [Reasons Descriptioon]) are varchars. I have made the field names bold for clarity. So for the rep FMR, Test, I would like to have the aggregate such that they appear as follows.

    Total Audits : 4

    Total Fails: 1

    Total Passes: 2

    I need to get the aggregates for each rep. So for the reps, Peter, Test and Joh Doe, the aggregates would be

    REP # of Audits Final Status Reasons Description

    Peter, Test1 NULL NULL

    Peter, Test1 Fail Matching Parity

    Peter, Test1 Pass Matching Description

    Peter, Test1 Pass Matching Iconic

    Total Audits : 4

    Total Fails: 1

    Total Passes: 2

    John, Doe1 NULL NULL

    John, Doe0 Fail Matching Parity

    John, Doe0 Pass Matching Description

    John, Doe1 Pass Matching Iconic

    Total Audits : 2

    Total Fails: 0

    Total Passes: 1

    Please let me know if you have any questions

  • Hi Dixie,

    The fields you see are just aliases and not the actual field names in the table

  • That's fine, Theomed. I hope the CASE example was of help to you.

    In the future, you might find it useful to read this article[/url] to see how to set up a problem so that people can immediately try to code and test a solution for you. The way you displayed your sample data it puts the work on the volunteers here to try to recreate your schema and data. If you take a couple of minutes to give us a CREATE TABLE statement and some INSERTs to populate it with sample data, you will find more people volunteering to offer you coded and tested solutions.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks Dixie. I will take that into consideration next time I post a question. I will try your solution and see if it helps.

  • This is what bopeavy was asking for. Dixie, I agree with you, from now on, I will comply with the rules.







    CREATE TABLE AggregateTable(

    [Rep] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [Audits] [bit] NULL,

    [FinalStatus] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [ReasonsDescription] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    INSERT INTO AggregateTable

    (Rep, Audits, FinalStatus, ReasonsDescription)

    SELECT 'John Doe',1,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'John Doe',0,'Pass','This was a failure' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'John Doe',NULL,'UNKNOWN','This was not known' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Mark Price',1,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'John Doe',1,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'John Doe',0,'Fail','This was a failure' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Mark Price',1,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Mark Price',0,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'John Doe',1,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Mark Price',NULL,'UNKNOWN','This was not known' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'John Doe',1,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Mark Price',1,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Mark Price',1,'Pass','This was a success' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'John Doe',NULL,'UNKNOWN','This was not known' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'John Doe',1,'Pass','This was a success'

  • Would this be what your looking for?

    Select a.Rep ,a.total_audits, b.total_Passes, c.total_Failures from

    ( SELECT [Rep], COUNT(audits) as total_audits

    FROM [master].[dbo].[AggregateTable]

    group by Rep

    ) a join

    (SELECT [Rep], COUNT(audits) as total_Passes

    FROM [master].[dbo].[AggregateTable] where audits ='1'

    group by Rep

    ) b on a.rep = b.rep join

    (SELECT [Rep], COUNT(audits) as total_Failures

    FROM [master].[dbo].[AggregateTable] where audits ='0'

    group by Rep

    ) c on a.rep = c.rep


    "There are no problems! Only solutions that have yet to be discovered!"

  • Thanks, Theomed. 🙂

    They aren't rules; they are just suggestions. But they are REALLY helpful suggestions.

    What you posted, enabled me to produce this in a couple of minutes for you.

    I notice that in your original example [Audits] was an integer column, and that changed to a bit column in the CREATE TABLE you just posted. I've altered the CASE statements accordingly. This may or may not be what you intended. If not, just remove the references to "and Audits = 1".

    select Rep

    ,sum(CASE WHEN Audits = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as TotalAudits

    ,sum(CASE WHEN FinalStatus = 'Pass' and Audits = 1 then Audits else 0 end) as TotalPasses

    ,sum(CASE WHEN FinalStatus = 'Fail' and Audits = 1 then Audits else 0 end) as TotalFails

    ,sum(CASE WHEN FinalStatus = 'Unknown' then 1 else 0 end) as TotalUnknown

    from AggregateTable

    group by Rep

    order by Rep


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks guys, I appreciate your help

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