aggregate function in filter

  • hi

    i have to use = iif((Fields!Market.Value/SUM(Fields!Market.Value,"dataset1")) * 100 )= 0.0

    in my filter,

    it gives me error like aggregate function cannot use in a filter.

    is there any other way ,i can use this expression in filter

  • Additional que, there is group in tablix,

    if i put this filter in group ,its works fine,but thw whole group is invisible.

    i just want one row to be invisible.

    how to do that

  • Can't you try with the visibility of the row, and instead of recalculating the values, refer to the textboxes which contain the values needed?

    For example:

    = Iif((ReportItems!MarketTextbox.Value / ReportItems!SumMarketTextbox.Value) * 100 = 0, True, False)

    It's best to give the textboxes (which you need in this expression) a proper and clear name.

    Does this do the trick ?

  • its working


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