Aggregate Function For Last Value?

  • Is there an Aggregate Function for getting the last value of a column in SQL Server (similiar the the Access last Function?), or does somebody have a suggestion on another way to find this value? Thanks.

  • You could try select top 1 [column_name] from table_name order by [column_name] desc

  • There's no first or last row in a table. To get the first something you MUST use order by in combinaison with top 1.

    You could also check out the max and min functions and they may help in such a context.

  • Hmmm, I don't just need one though, I need the last entry per each user ID.


    Can I use Top on a per column basis e.g.:

    (Top 1 MyColumn) as TopColumn?

    Hmmm....I would guess not.

  • Alright.

    Post the table definition, some sample data and the expected results and we'll help you figure it out.

  • I'm trying to convert something somebody wrote in Access to SQL (Hence the last). Here is the original query:

    SELECT qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_Dist, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_Dept, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_ID, qryDLOnCall1st.FullName, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_ClassName, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_Phone1, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_Phone2, Max(qryDLOnCall1st.MaxOfCallDate) AS MaxOfMaxOfCallDate, Last(tblCallOuts.CallTime) AS LastOfCallTime

    FROM (tblEmpName INNER JOIN qryDLOnCall1st ON tblEmpName.Emp_ID = qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_ID) LEFT JOIN tblCallOuts ON tblEmpName.Emp_ID = tblCallOuts.Emp_ID

    GROUP BY qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_Dist, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_Dept, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_ID, qryDLOnCall1st.FullName, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_ClassName, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_Phone1, qryDLOnCall1st.Emp_Phone2

    ORDER BY Max(qryDLOnCall1st.MaxOfCallDate), Last(tblCallOuts.CallTime);

    The table is ordered by date and time, and basically is just pulling the last record by date/time for each employee.

  • This is how it's done in sql server.

    Select * from dbo.Employees E inner join (Select EmpID, MAX(Date) AS Date from dbo.Employees) dtMax on E.EmpID = dtMax.EmpID and E.Date = dtMax.Date

  • Hey thanks for your help by the way.

    The problem I am having is the Date and Time are split into two different fields. If it was one DateTime field I could just do Max and be done with it, but how do I get the associated Time field?

  • can you just recreate the date??

    MAX (CAST (field1 + field as datetime))

  • Awesome, that works. Thanks alot, I really appreciate the help.

  • HTH.

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