AG in Unhealthy State - Secondary not connected to Primary

  • I have a couple of nodes in a test environment that is for availability groups.  I connected to the nodes today and I see this message in the dashboard.  "This secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED."  In the SQL Server Error log in the secondary I see "Database mirroring login attempt failed with the error: 'Connection handshake failed.  An OS call failed. (80090305) 0x80090305(the requested security package does not exist.  state 65'

    I looked at the endpoint information on both nodes and it appears to be the same.  I dropped the endpoint on the secondary and recreated it.  I've also restarted SQL Server service. 
    I looked at this and the values in the registry just show "".  But, they are that way on a prod two node AG that isn't having problems.  

    What do I need to do?

  • I looked at error log again an saw a repeating error of "There is no compatible encryption algorithm" and realized my previous T-SQL where I dropped and recreated the endpoint on the secondary did not have an encryption algorithm specified.  So, I ran the below on the secondary

    DROP EndPoint AG_EndPoint

    CREATE EndPoint Ag_endpoint
    AS TCP(Listener_Port = 5022)
    FOR DATABASE_Mirroring (ROLE = ALL, AUTHENTICATION = Windows Negotiate, Encryption = Required Algorithm AES)

    Now I just see a single message that indicates a connection timeout has occurred when the secondary tries to contact the primary.  

  • I looked at the error log on the Primary and saw an error indicating that the account running the SQL Server service  did not have CONNECT permission on the endpoint.  That's when I remembered that I had changed the SQL Server service account to the test account.  I granted connect to the endpoint and communication was restored.

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