AG failover script during real DR situation

  • Hello Everyone,

    I am looking for some help with SQL Server AG scripts. I hope to find some help here.

    Let's assume I have 3 SQL Server 2102 nodes in my Always on group. Node01 is my primary node. Node02 is the secondary node which is setup as sync replica with auto failover. Both nodes are in the same physical location. Node03 is in a different geo-location and is setup as as async replica with manual failover.

    AG Name: AGSuperNova
    Node01: CNCTSQLOrion (Primary, Synchronous Commit, Auto failover mode, Readable Secondary)
    Node02: CNCTSQLCygna (Secondary, Synchronous Commit, Auto failover mode, Readable Secondary)
    Node03: CNCTSQLDraco (Secondary, Asynchronous Commit, Manual failover mode, Readable Secondary)

    In a real disaster situation when both Node01 and Node02 become unavailable, what should my script be to force my Node03 to become primary?

    I would appreciate if someone could give me a sample script to use for this situation.


  • You will need to perform a manual forced failover on the 3rd DR replica. 
    Have a read here , but basically you will need to failover choosing with or without data loss on this replica. 


    or with data loss, and once your primary and secondary replicas are available again, resume data movement to sync:


    ALTER DATABASE 'yourdatabasenamehere' SET HADR RESUME

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Henrico,

    Thank you very much for the scripts. I appreciate that very much.


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