After delete Trigger on Transaction

  • I have 3 table

    1. JournalParent

     1. counter int  (used for relation to journalDetail)

     2. date datetime

    2. journalDetail

     1. counter int  (used for relation to journalparent)

     2. account nchar

     3. debit money

     4. credit money


    3. account

     1. account nchar

     2. balance money

    then, i create form to maintain journal transaction (insert & delete), at that form i used transaction mode so if both journalDetail & journalParent will be dill properly

    and then i create 2 trigger to add or minus balance on account table

    1. *** Trigger after inserted to add account balance

     set ANSI_NULLS ON



     ALTER TRIGGER [AddAccountBalance] ON [dbo].[journalChild] AFTER INSERT AS


      UPDATE accountBalance

                SET balance = balance + (SELECT debit-credit FROM INSERTED)

        WHERE code = (SELECT account FROM INSERTED)


     *** this trigger working well (update balance on account table properly)

    2. *** Trigger after delete to minus account balance

     set ANSI_NULLS ON



     ALTER TRIGGER [AddAccountBalance] ON [dbo].[journalChild] AFTER DELETE AS


      UPDATE accountBalance

                SET balance = balance - (SELECT debit-credit FROM DELETED)

        WHERE code = (SELECT account FROM DELETED)


     *** this trigger not working well (error message SUBQUERY RETURED MORE THAN 1 VALUE)

    I add 1 transaction like below:

    counter : 1

    date  : 24 december 2005

    account debit credit

    001 1,000

    002  1,000

    When i add this transaction after inserted trigger run properly (so account balance for 001=1,000 and 002= -1000)

    but when i delete this transaction, come out error message "SUBQUERY RETURED MORE THAN 1 VALUE"

    ***(below delete command from form)



     myAtomCmd.CommandText = string.Format("DELETE FROM JournalParent WHERE counter = '{0}'", myRecordKey);


            myAtomCmd.CommandText = string.Format("DELETE FROM JournalChild WHERE counter = '{0}'", myRecordKey);



    } on


    So i open journalDetail table and delete record  one by one the after delete trigger run properly

    Please advise from you all... thank



    Sandi Antono



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • You need to change both triggers as follows (in red).

    1. *** Trigger after inserted to add account balance

     set ANSI_NULLS ON



     ALTER TRIGGER [AddAccountBalance] ON [dbo].[journalChild] AFTER INSERT AS


      UPDATE accountBalance

                SET balance = balance + (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(debit),0)-ISNULL(SUM(credit),0) FROM INSERTED)

        WHERE code = (SELECT account FROM INSERTED)


     *** this trigger working well (update balance on account table properly)

    2. *** Trigger after delete to minus account balance

     set ANSI_NULLS ON



     ALTER TRIGGER [AddAccountBalance] ON [dbo].[journalChild] AFTER DELETE AS


      UPDATE accountBalance

                SET balance = balance - (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(debit),0)-ISNULL(SUM(credit),0) FROM DELETED)

        WHERE code = (SELECT account FROM DELETED)


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