
  • Please do not laugh at me because this question might seem to be dumb to anyone:

    I downloaded AdventureWorksDW2008R2 installation executable and ran it on SQL 2008 server, however, after that, I don't see the database appears in SQL Server Management Studio 2008R2.

    Where did it go?

    Thank you.

  • try rerfreshing the view..

    and check that are you connected to the same sever\instance that you installed it to

  • I suspect you are connecting to the right instance that you have installed AdventureWorks DB on? Did the executable gave any errors while installing

  • I just did it again: this time I noticed the problem might be because the "installation instance" is empty when I installed it. Why it is empty? and I can't see any instance in the dropdownlist. Is it because the original installer (a co-op student with little experience) didn't install any instance? how do I correct this?

    Thank you.

    PS. This is funny, how come there was no any warning during my "successful" installation of this database?

  • And Management Studio does see a localhost and all the system databases! So the instance does exist.

  • I just did it again: this time I noticed the problem might be because the "installation instance" is empty when I installed it.

    Would you mind doing this exercise once again? But make sure you enter 'localhost' as installation instance. Let us know if you still face any issues.

  • Actually in the instance dropdownlist, it doesn't allow me to manually type in anything.

  • I found mdf file for the sample database, however I failed with this:

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Cannot show requested dialog.



    Parameter name: nColIndex

    Actual value was -1. (Microsoft.SqlServer.GridControl)





  • You might have missed some important steps. Please verify it once.

    Installing SQL Server 2008R2 Sample Databases

  • Cause identified! It turned out that I was missing some privileges in the server, I can't create database! That's why although I installed it, it was actually never been installed - Microsoft should give some warning before the installation takes place.

    Thanks for discussing.

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