AdventureWorks DataBase

  • I want to Install AdventureWorks Database in SQL 2005.I Couldnot find a Proper place for downloading the MSI.

    I visited the Website but could not figure out clearly

    my MSI.Please help me.



  • Here's the download page for all the versions fo AdventureWorks

  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]AdventureWorksDB.msi source code, 28053K, uploaded May 8 2007 - 292342 downloads

    AdventureWorksDBCI.msi source code, 29177K, uploaded May 8 2007 - 41144 downloads

    AdventureWorksBI.msi source code, 7393K, uploaded May 8 2007 - 66972 downloads

    AdventureWorksBICI.msi source code, 16764K, uploaded May 8 2007 - 21699 downloads

    AdventureWorksLT.msi source code, 2251K, uploaded May 8 2007 - 46136 downloads

    AdventureWorksDB_x64.msi source code, 28075K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 7418 downloads AdventureWorksDBCI_x64.msi source code, 29177K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 2288 downloads

    AdventureWorksBI_x64.msi source code, 7393K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 3299 downloads

    AdventureWorksBICI_x64.msi source code, 9021K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 1725 downloads

    AdventureWorksLT_x64.msi source code, 2251K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 2608 downloads

    AdventureWorksDB_IA64.msi source code, 28075K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 1303 downloads AdventureWorksDBCI_IA64.msi source code, 29177K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 821 downloads AdventureWorksBI_IA64.msi source code, 7409K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 946 downloads

    AdventureWorksBICI_IA64.msi source code, 8980K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 810

    AdventureWorksLT_IA64.msi source code, 2251K, uploaded May 9 2007 - 1776 downloads [/font]

    These many msi files are available.Among these what should I install?Please let me know!:)

  • DB means db engine

    CI means case insensitive

    BI means business intelligence

    X64 is for 64 bits

    I have no idea what LT means (maybe has something to do with ETL (SSIS) but that's a big leaping guess here), but also considering the # of downloads, it's probably not the one you want.

    Now you have to decide which one you need depending on your needs.

    My guess is that you'll pick between the first 2 ones.

  • The LT files are a "lite" version of the AdventureWorks databases, with a simpler schema and design.

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