Advanced XML Processing

  • thanks for a well balanced document that gives concise information and syntax to a required information subject

  • Its very straightforward. also very practicle.

    keep it up......!!!


  • That's great. It helped me out a lot.

    Does anyone have any info/styles/code/opinions on how to retrieve on the other end?

    Specifically how to parse this file into variables in VB.Net?


  • Excellent Job! Very easy to follow!

  • Nice article.

    Has anyone got any examples of similar XML output but with header information included.

    Following on from Jacobs article and presuming the existence of an OrderHeader table, the output would look something like attached


  • flurk118 (10/25/2007)

    Nice article.

    Has anyone got any examples of similar XML output but with header information included.

    Following on from Jacobs article and presuming the existence of an OrderHeader table, the output would look something like attached


    A dirty quick way of doing this is as follows:

    SELECT CAST(' ' +


    'Jacob' AS 'Name',

    '401, TIME SQUARE' AS 'Address',

    '007' AS 'Code'

    FOR XML PATH('OrderHeader')

    ) +







    ' ' AS XML)

    However, a sweet and gentle way of doing this is by using the EXPLICIT keyword.


    1 AS Tag,

    NULL AS Parent,

    NULL AS 'OrderInfo!1',

    NULL AS 'OrderHeader!2!Name!element',

    NULL AS 'OrderHeader!2!Address!element',

    NULL AS 'OrderHeader!2!Code!element',

    NULL AS 'OrderDetails!3!OrderNumber!element',

    NULL AS 'OrderDetails!3!ItemNumber!element',

    NULL AS 'OrderDetails!3!Qty!element'



    2 AS Tag,

    1 AS Parent,



    '401, Time Square',







    3 AS Tag,

    1 AS Parent,











    Both of the above queries give the same output that you asked.


  • Nice work Jacob.

    Here's a 3rd way, this time using XML PATH...


    OrderHeader.Name AS 'OrderHeader/Name',

    OrderHeader.Address AS 'OrderHeader/Address',

    OrderHeader.Code AS 'OrderHeader/Code',

    OrderDetails.OrderNumber AS 'OrderDetails/OrderNumber',

    OrderDetails.ItemNumber AS 'OrderDetails/ItemNumber',

    OrderDetails.Qty AS 'OrderDetails/Qty'


    OrderDetails LEFT OUTER JOIN

    (SELECT 'Jacob' AS 'Name', '401, TIME SQUARE' AS 'Address', '007' AS 'Code') OrderHeader

    ON OrderDetails.ItemNumber = 'A001'

    FOR XML PATH (''), ROOT ('OrderInfo')

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Excellent!

    Ryan's code is much simpler than the two options I presented. This is really good and easy to understand.

    one small note: we need to make sure that the OrderHeader will come before OrderDetails. Currently it does. But if the query results try to use an ORDER BY clause, it is possible that the OrderHeader will be placed somewhere in the middle or at the end of the XML structure. But that is not likely to happen often. Just wanted to bring this to notice.



  • Great article!!!! Very simple and well written!!! 🙂

  • Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to create a xml structure where one column as the element name, another as the element value and another column as the attribute value?

  • You will need to build a dynamic query and execute it (to have the value of a column transformed as an element name).


  • Thanks!

  • I will be forever thankfull for this post. I have gone through all the previous posts about XML handling and this one is exactly what I was looking for. Nevertheless will also take a look on the next posts of the advanced XML processing.

    One question, the series of posts "XML Workbench..." jumps from II to IV and then to X. I'm missing some post in the middle? I can't find the III, V,VI,VII,VII and IX posts, maybe just not exists?

  • In case anyone mayneeded, here is the same post, but with comments in spanish, enjoy

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails](

    [OrderDetailID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[OrderNumber] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    [ItemNumber] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[Qty] [int] NULL,[Rate] FLOAT NULL,[QtyPicked] INT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO OrderDetails (OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty, Rate, QtyPicked)

    SELECT '00001', 'A001', 10, 11.25, 0

    UNION SELECT '00001', 'A002', 20, 15, 0

    UNION SELECT '00001', 'A003', 30, 23.75, 0

    --al usar FOR XML AUTO se genera un XML

    SELECT OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty FROM OrderDetails FOR XML AUTO

    --pero el XML generado en realidad es un varchar, nos interesa generar un tipo XML

    --para esto usamos TYPE

    SELECT OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty FROM OrderDetails FOR XML AUTO, TYPE

    --por defecto el SQL devuelve los valores en atributos, para añadirlos como tags independientes o nodos usamos ELEMENTS

    SELECT OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty FROM OrderDetails FOR XML AUTO, TYPE, ELEMENTS

    --pero no tenemos un elemento root, añadimos ROOT al final

    SELECT OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty FROM OrderDetails FOR XML AUTO, TYPE, ELEMENTS, ROOT

    --ya tenemos el elemento root, pero tiene como nombre "root", cambiemos el nombre y pongamos "orderInfo"

    SELECT OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty FROM OrderDetails FOR XML AUTO, TYPE, ELEMENTS, ROOT('orderInfo')

    --por defecto los nodos generados tienen de nombre las columnas de la tabla, podemos renonbrarlo

    SELECT OrderNumber as 'OrderNum', ItemNumber as ItemCode, Qty as Quantity

    FROM OrderDetails FOR XML AUTO, TYPE, ELEMENTS, ROOT('itemInfo')

    --ya renombramos el root y las columnas, pero vamos a renombrar lo que vendría siendo cada fila

    --para esto usamos la palabra reservada AUTO y un alias para la tabla

    SELECT OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty

    FROM OrderDetails itemInfo FOR XML AUTO, TYPE, ELEMENTS, ROOT('orderInfo')

    --pero a veces usar un alias para el nombre de la tabla puede confundirnos en el caso de que la query sea complicada

    --usemos la palabra reservada RAW

    SELECT OrderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty

    FROM OrderDetails FOR XML RAW('itemInfo'), TYPE, ELEMENTS, ROOT('orderInfo')

    --por último veremos que pasa con los elementos nulos

    --usaremos el modificador

    --por defecto el SQL no los carga en el XML, pero si luego este XML lo queremos procesar puede fallarnos

    --para que se cargue el elemento null añadimos XSINIL

    UPDATE OrderDetails SET Qty = NULL WHERE OrderDetailID = 3

    SELECT OrderNumber,ItemNumber,Qty FROM OrderDetails FOR XML RAW('itemInfo'), TYPE, ELEMENTS XSINIL, ROOT('orderInfo')

  • yazalpizar_ (12/23/2011)

    One question, the series of posts "XML Workbench..." jumps from II to IV and then to X. I'm missing some post in the middle? I can't find the III, V,VI,VII,VII and IX posts, maybe just not exists?

    I answer myself...I found all the XML series... and surprise, still more than 10 posts to read and test, got some homework for these days 😛

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