Advanced SQL Issue (maybe)

  • Here is my simplified schema


    Table A


    ProductID As INT

    StandardID AS INT

    --A product can be linked to one or more standards we need to meet

    Table B


    StandardID AS INT

    TestTypeID AS INT

    -- A standard can be composed of multiple required tests


    Table C


    ReportID AS INT

    ProductID AS INT

    -- A test report can be linked to multiple products

    Table D


    ReportID AS INT

    ReportDate AS DATETIME

    -- A test report for which a product might have many reports over time with various test types attached.

    Table E


    ReportID AS INT

    TestTypeID AS INT

    PassFail AS BIT

    So to put it in 'english':

    Product 123 requires us to meet STANDARD A

    STANDARD A requires us to conduct TEST1, TEST2, TEST3

    Product 123 has REPORT1 which has passing test results for TEST1, and a failing test report for TYPE2, and no results for TEST 3

    Product 123 has another test REPORT2 which has passing test results for TEST2, and for TEST 3.

    Together I should be able to certify PRODUCT 123 to STANDARD A.

    What I would like to do is answer the questions:

    1. Which standards do I meet (i.e. have passing test reports that make up that ENTIRE standard) given a product ID given the most recent test of a given type

    2. Which standards do I NOT meet (opposite of above)

    I am having a real problem visualizing the query to give me the above results.

    A quick tip or some pseudo code would be much appreciated. I just need some inspiration here.

    Thank you.

  • russellmhirsch (3/24/2009)

    Table D


    ReportID AS INT

    ReportDate AS DATETIME

    -- A test report for which a product might have many reports over time with various test types attached.

    Table E


    ReportID AS INT

    TestTypeID AS INT

    PassFail AS BIT


    Is there a reason why you cant have all fields from Table D and E in the same table?

  • Russell,

    We can help you out, but it would be very helpful if you could take a minute and set up your simplified schema with a little sample data in a script and then show your expected results like my example below. It makes it much easier for us to test our code to be sure we have a good solution for you.




    create table #A (productID int, standardID int)

    insert into #A

    select 1,1 union all

    select 2,1 union all

    select 3,2


    expected results (I'm just making this up)






    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • There would be a ton of duplicated data. Table D has 20-30 fields that aren't relevant to my query (so not included in the basic schema), but I don't want to duplicate for every test type performed. TestDate is one of those fields, it is common for all test types performed.

  • russellmhirsch (3/24/2009)

    I am having a real problem visualizing the query to give me the above results.

    A quick tip or some pseudo code would be much appreciated. I just need some inspiration here.

    Here is my attempt to inspire you without giving you the actual code!

    Select your product, join on standard, join on test type

    product1 - stantardA - test1

    product1 - stantardA - test2

    product1 - stantardA - test3


    Select the most recent test for any product for any test type

    product1 - test1 - pass - dateX

    product1 - test2 - pass - dateY

    product1 - test3 - pass - dateY

    Let me know if you have questions.


  • russellmhirsch (3/24/2009)

    There would be a ton of duplicated data. Table D has 20-30 fields that aren't relevant to my query (so not included in the basic schema), but I don't want to duplicate for every test type performed. TestDate is one of those fields, it is common for all test types performed.

    My bad, I read everything all over again and I understand, a report contains many test.

    The first time around I thought D was the actual test... oops 🙂

  • You'll need to expand and translated this to work with your actual tables and actual results, but here's something that will test them.

    -- Create test tables

    create table #A (

    ProductID int primary key,

    StandardID int);


    create table #B (

    StandardID int,

    TestTypeID int);


    create table #C (

    ReportID int,

    ProductID int);


    create table #D (

    ReportID int,

    ReportDate datetime);


    create table #E (

    ReportID int,

    TestTypeID int,

    PassFail bit);


    -- Populate test tables

    insert into #A (ProductID, StandardID)

    select 1, 1;


    insert into #B (StandardID, TestTypeID)

    select 1, 1 union all

    select 1, 2 union all

    select 1, 3;


    insert into #C (ReportID, ProductID)

    select 1, 1;


    insert into #D (ReportID, ReportDate)

    select 1, getdate()-1 union all

    select 2, getdate();


    insert into #E (ReportID, TestTypeID, PassFail)

    select 1, 1, 1 union all

    select 1, 2, 0 union all

    select 2, 2, 1 union all

    select 2, 3, 1;


    -- Begin test


    LastTest as

    (select TestTypeID, max(ReportDate) as LastReport

    from #D

    inner join #E

    on #D.ReportID = #E.ReportID

    group by TestTypeID),

    LastResults as

    (select PassFail

    from #D

    inner join #E

    on #D.ReportID = #E.ReportID

    inner join LastTest

    on #D.ReportDate = LastReport

    and #E.TestTypeID = LastTest.TestTypeID)



    when exists

    (select *

    from LastResults

    where PassFail = 0)

    then 'No'

    else 'Yes'

    end as PassesStandard;

    You can add input parameters to this, or turn it into something that can be joined to a table of products and a table of standards. Could be pivoted after that, or left as multi-row, depending on what you need to do with it.

    Does that help?

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

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