adv topics

  • hi,

    how can i learn advance topics in sql server 2005.

    i working as sql dba(exprecince 3 moths) in present company i dont have that much work.daily routine work.

    i never face a problem in real time like restoring also (i known how to do restore) .etc...

    can any one pls suggest .....

  • What Topics are you labeling "advanced"? What areas of SQL Server are you interested in learning more about? SSIS, Replication, performance tuning, ...

    Give us some areas that interest you and we can make suggestions of white papers, Blog links, books, forum postings, etc.

    Reading/research and practice are the best tools at your disposal. Start a pet project that catalogs your cooking recipe collection (including a photo of each recipe). Make a database of your movie or cd collection. With little independent projects like this you can use the technologies or advanced features you want to get more familiar with.

    Happy T-SQLing.


  • What I have done and will continue to do is read up and play about with SQL Server in areas which I feel I need to catch up on. For example, in my previous company, I toyed with replication. We didn't use it but I figured I'd spend my free time setting it up, testing it, breaking it, fixing it etc. It's paid off now because in my current job, we will be using replication a lot so it saves me a fair bit of time reading up on it first.

    Evaluate where you think you are in a given area of SQL Server. For example, rate yourself out of 10 on things like Backup/Restore, SSIS/DTS, SQL Internals, Security, T-SQL, DB Design etc and then just read up and do a lot of playing in that area. The key to this though, is be honest with yourself in terms of how knowledgable you are in a particular subject - bear in mind that even Microsoft engineers would not put 10/10 for every area of SQL Server!

    You mention restores. If you have a spare box kicking about, play on that. Break SQL Server and then restore it to the last full backup. Restore differential backups, restore log files etc.

    And lastly, don't just limit yourself to SQL Server. Maybe consider taking some time out to look at areas of networking, filesystems, Servers etc. Having a rounded knowledge in SQL Server as well as that platforms on which it sits can only make for a better all round DBA.

  • thanks for u r valuable Suggestions.

    i present company i don't have that much work. it's an bpo company.

    simple checking backups and check for sizes of dbs.

    i want to learn like logshipping,replication,security in sql server 2005 etc...

    now i am facing with one problem. previously one windows based application working fine in old server 2005 . now we changed all database to new sql server 2005 (both r same configurations ) .

    after changed that windows based application ,while doing insert,update , select operations it will take so much time.

    after some days we moved to old server , its working fine now.

    wht is the exact reason?



  • If that was the case, I would re-check every configuration. We recently moved servers and I did catch myself out. I forgot to enable AWE on one of the boxes.

    Did you reindex the associated tables, update statistics on the new server? If possible, run the same query on both boxes and check the execution plan. Compare sp_autostats, DBCC SHOWCONTIG (can't remember the 2005 dmv syntax now).

  • hi,

    in old server the AWE is disabled, and also i run the rebuild and reorganize the index on that particular database only . remaining application databases working fine .

    wht is permission required to connect from client to server.

    is sysadmin permission essential to connect server.

    each and every login is having sysadmin permission.

    if i remove that permission , the correspoding sessions is disconnected .

    so pls advice where i have to check....



  • srimkumarp (1/3/2008)


    in old server the AWE is disabled, and also i run the rebuild and reorganize the index on that particular database only . remaining application databases working fine .

    wht is permission required to connect from client to server.

    is sysadmin permission essential to connect server.

    each and every login is having sysadmin permission.

    if i remove that permission , the correspoding sessions is disconnected .

    so pls advice where i have to check....



    Sorry, I only mentioned AWE as an example of things easily missed 🙂

    As for sysadmin, absolutely a NO to using it to connect from a client to the server. Ideally, the login will just have the necessary permissions for the function.

    What permissions does the login need? Read only? Read, Write? Create objects?

    A bit off topic, but it's worth mentioning - Sysadmin logins should just be used by the DBA's. Using this login freely is dangerous - basically you will have no control over who can do what and that can lead to changes which you are unaware of.

  • hi,

    i am new to this company , previously no sql dba is there,

    so they given like that sysadmin i am try to disable that permissions.

    end users having only insert, update, select and some people require delete permissions.

    After deleting the sysadmin permissions,i want to create application role for each and every db.


    we can do like this ,

    create one folder in Active directory and add all sql user to that folder

    after that can i add in sql server and assign permissions on that folder.



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