ADO Parameters or Stored Procedure

  • I programmed a VB6-Class which calculates several stock-values... using ADO Command parameters for input and output. This commands (SELECTs) are based on SQL-Views and a maximum index-tuning was already done. The number of input-parameters is variable. See this example :

    Private Function GetPrBdgStkRsv(dDate As Date, Optional ieCalcOn As eCalcOn = ctPrice) As Double

    With cmTemp

    .CommandText = _

    "SELECT ? = SUM(ROUND(Mg," & iDecMg & " & _

    " FROM vStkPrBdgRsv" & _

    " WHERE " & BuildWhereStringPrBdg(ieCalcOn)

    .Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords

    If Not EmptyValueStk(.Parameters(0).Value) Then

    GetPrBdgStkRsv = .Parameters(0).Value


    GetPrBdgStkRsv = 0

    End If

    End With

    End Function

    Would it make sense to rewrite the code in a stored procedure ? Would I get some speed- improvements ?


    Patrick Simons, MCP

    Patrick SIMONS, MCP

  • quote:

    Would it make sense to rewrite the code in a stored procedure ? Would I get some speed- improvements ?

    Yes. Stored Procs will increase performance in at least the following ways: a) decreased network traffic due to only sending the name of procedure vs. sql statements, b) compilation of query plan and reuse of that plan. For more info, there are a number of articles on this site and on ADO / SQL Server Best practices and performance tuning...Joe Chang, in particular on the latter site, has some gfreat articles comparing different techniques.

  • Nit-picking a bit, but ad hoc queries can have cached execution plans that are re-used (see Chapter 15 of Inside SQL Server 2000). With that said, you eliminate a lot of the uncertainty with stored procedures. Use stored procedures whenever you can.

    Another reason to do so is it means you can more tightly control data access. If you use ownership chains, you can use stored procedures to control how the data is accessed. Users have execute rights on the stored procedures with no rights against the base tables. This is so sweet.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • But because I've to use a variable number of input-parameters (WHERE clause), I must use dynamic-SQL inside the stored-procedure ! So SQL-Server could not prepare the statement because it changes from one call to the other. Am I right ? Would the stored proc make nevertheless sense ?

    Patrick SIMONS, MCP

    Edited by - PatrickSimons on 02/03/2003 04:48:23 AM

    Patrick SIMONS, MCP

  • Maybe, maybe not. If you have an unlimited number of where options or extremely high number anyway it may be better to use dynamic SQL. You still have some control but you have to be carefull for the potential of an injection attack. Which I believ is still possible the way you are doing with CommantText anyway.

    However if you have a few and they don't al occurr in combination or just a few combinations keep in mind 1 SP can can others. So you can control with non-dynamic SQL.

    Ex. (Note: I prefer SP groups so ;n is te number of the item in the SP group. ;1 is always default when calling SP. There is no requirement to group.)

    CREATE PROC ip_dothis;1

    @colname varchar(100),

    @val varchar(100)



    if @colname = 'col1'


    EXEC ip_dothis;2 @val




    EXEC ip_dothis;3 @val



    CREATE PROC ip_dothis;2

    @val VARCHAR(100)



    SELECT * FROM tbl_X WHERE col1 = @val


    CREATE PROC ip_dothis;3

    @val VARCHAR(100)



    SELECT * FROM tbl_X WHERE col2 = @val


    SO in the above I can choose 1 of 2 columns and a query with save execution plan will be there.


    EXEC ip_dothis 'col1', 'this'

    will run

    select * from tbl_X WHERE col1 = 'this'

    so you do have options, it is a matter of fesibility based on the number of options you need.

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