Administration and Powershell

  • Hi,

    I have a script I am writing to make life easier for myself around requests for new Database environments by our developers. (Dev/Test/Live).

    All was going well until I stumbled on a little "issue-et". I can create my db and users on one SQL instance Fine.

    When I created a loop to do this for each instance the second time around the loop I get the following error. from this line *** $SQLuser.Create("123456789Ac") **

    Exception calling "Create" with "1" argument(s): "Create failed for Login 'XXzzx2314gsrdf_user'. "

    At S:\Al\Scripts\PS script\New Database\CreateNewDatabase.ps1:108 char:16

    + $SQLuser.Create <<<< ("123456789Ac")

    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DotNetMethodException

    An extract of my code below

    $DevServer = "MSSQL\DEV"

    $TestServer = "MSSQL\TEST"

    $LiveServer = "MSSQL\LIVE"

    $AllServers = $DevServer,$TestServer,$LiveServer

    .....get db name and user details here....

    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null

    foreach ($server in $AllServers)


    $sqlSrv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server ($server)

    $SQLLoginname = $DatabaseName + "_user"

    $SQLuser = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Login -ArgumentList ($sqlSrv,$SQLLoginname)

    $SQLuser.Name = $SQLLoginname

    $SQLuser.LoginType = "SQLLogin"

    $SQLuser.PasswordExpirationEnabled = $false

    $SQLuser.DefaultDatabase = $DatabaseName

    $SQLuser.PasswordPolicyEnforced = $false


    # Windows Group

    $SQLLoginname = "MyDomain\$ADSQLGroup"

    $WGuser = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Login -ArgumentList ($sqlSrv,$SQLLoginname)

    $WGuser.Name = $SQLLoginname

    $WGuser.LoginType = "WindowsGroup"

    $WGuser.DefaultDatabase = $DatabaseName


    Remove-Variable -name sqlSrv

    Remove-Variable -name SQLuser

    Remove-Variable -name WGuser


    Any help I can get on why I get the error would be great. (No alternative suggestions please) 😀

  • That's an odd one. The code looks like what I have in my SQL Server installer script and you say it works on the first server.

    I guess it's time to set up a test somewhere. One question before I do that. Are you sure all three of those servers are in Mixed Authentication mode? Someone changed one of our development servers a while back without letting me know.

  • Thank you for looking. Yes, all three servers are in mixed Authentication mode.



  • The plot thickens.

    For a test, I thought I would remove the loop and add all three servers in manually (one at a time) to see if this works. Now my section "windows group" is failing with the same error!

    This was working before I put it in the loop and it worked first time around the loop! :crazy:

  • I didn't do the create database part but testing the Powershell from your OP works for me with only one change.

    I hardcoded the DefaultDatabase for both logins to msdb. I initially had $Database = 'bkTest' but that database only existed on 2 of the 3 servers I was testing against. If the database you're setting as default doesn't exist you'll get that create() error.

    Are you waiting to add the logins until after creating the databases?

  • Yes, creating the security will come next.

    My plan is

    Create AD groups

    Created DB's

    Create users

    Set security

    Created secuirty scripts

    Created DB clone scipts (ie live -> Test etc)

    Email Backup guys (we use Networker not SQL backups)

    Email details to requesting user

    Sit back and relax 😉

    One further advancement I have found is it may be a timing issue. I have put a wait before the AD group creation in SQL and now it passes (sometimes - more often than not). But that raises the question (why didn't it need the pause in the loop?)


  • Ploblem solved? I'm not sure!!!

    I've tested my script a couple of times now and it has worked OK. I've added a few sleeps into the script and that seems to have done the trick. One after the AD Group creation (maybe the group was created on another DC than that used by the SQL box to add the group?), the second after DB creation and alter (maybe due to slow disks still configuring the db files?).

    Anyway it is working for now and its time to move on to the next bit (and break it again).

    Thanks again

  • That makes sense. I’ve seen AD groups created or modified but not seen the addition/change for almost 5 minutes until it finally propagated to other controllers.

    So you’re welcome but I didn’t do anything but test what you’d already done.

    Good luck with the rest.

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