
  • Hi everybody,

    Let us consider v've a planned downtime b/w 2-3 PM. The jobs which are scheduled b/w that time need to be modified and v've some 2000 jobs. How to change the schedule of all the jobs.

    please help me with script.

  • Use some of this. You need to throw a query in to look up jobs scheduled in between 2 and 3pm using sysjobs and sysjobschedules (off top of my head).

    Then pass each of those jobs through this...(where @nextday is a calculation you have to make to reschedule - you haven't stated when you want them rescheduled to...)

    USE msdb

    DECLARE @nextday int

    SET @nextday = (Year(dateadd(day,1,getdate())) * 10000 +

    month(dateadd(day,1,getdate())) * 100 + day(dateadd(day,1,getdate())))

    EXEC sp_update_jobschedule @job_name = '<name of job>',

    @name = <name of schedule>,

    @active_start_date = @nextday

    The example above I used for a job I have that runs every 5 minutes, and when it eventually sees its "Go" message it runs and then reschedules itself for the next day. So you will probably also want to set the @active_start_time parameter.

    Hope this helps.

  • You can get the jobs scheduled in the time window you like with something similar to this:

    ;WITH schedules AS (

    SELECT *, sTime = REPLACE(STR(next_run_time,6),' ','0')

    FROM msdb..sysjobschedules

    WHERE next_run_date > 0


    dt_schedules AS (

    SELECT *,

    run_dt = DATEADD(second, CAST(RIGHT(sTime,2) AS INT ),

    DATEADD(minute, CAST(SUBSTRING(sTime, 2,2) AS INT),

    DATEADD(hour, CAST(LEFT(sTime,2) AS INT),

    CONVERT(DATETIME, STR(next_run_date,8), 112))))

    FROM schedules


    SELECT *

    FROM dt_schedules

    WHERE run_dt BETWEEN DATEADD(hour, 14, CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(),112))

    AND DATEADD(hour, 15, CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(),112))


    -- Sub day schedules

    SELECT *

    FROM dt_schedules

    WHERE schedule_id IN (

    SELECT schedule_id

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysschedules

    WHERE freq_subday_type > 1


    The first part identifies the jobs scheduled with next run date in the time window, the second part selects the schedules with sub day frequency.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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