Adding results of two cursors

  • Hi,

    I have a requirement such that I run a query to get the records for individual months. How can I get the Union of two cursors (i.e. if the user selects to generate report for february and march 2005 then I execute two queries to get the records for February and March) how to get one cursor joining the results of two months so that I can return that cursor to my coldfusion page and display the results month wise.

    Please mail me the solution at



  • Not gonna mail this to you.

    Simply do a single select :

    Select columns from dbo.YourTable where DateCol between @StartDate and @EndDate.

    Then simply present the data monthly if requested that way.

  • Hi,

       Our query is written such a way that it works for individual months. It fails if I execute that for more than one month. Can you please suggest me the solution.



  • Can you post the query??

    If you can't create a new query or change this one, then I suggest that you might be screwed.

  • Hi,

      Following is the query:


    USE CyberScholar




    DECLARE @StartDate smalldatetime

    DECLARE @EndDate smalldatetime


    SET @VendorID = 43

    SET @QuizTypeID = 23

    SET @StartDate = '01/01/2005 12:00:00 AM'

    SET @EndDate = '05/31/2005 11:59:59 PM'

    SELECT QN.QuizID, QN.QuizName, QN.Module,

     IsNull(Pass.PassCount, 0) AS PassCount,

     IsNull(Total.TotalCount, 0) AS TotalCount,

     IsNull(UniqueUsers.UniqueCount, 0) AS UniqueCount

    FROM ccsnew.dbo.Quiz_Name QN INNER JOIN


     SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Q.QuizInstance) AS PassCount, QN.QuizID

     FROM ccsnew.dbo.Quiz_Name QN INNER JOIN

      dbo.Quizzes Q ON QN.QuizID = Q.QuizID

     WHERE QN.QuizTypeID = @QuizTypeID

      AND QN.VendorID = @VendorID

      AND Q.Status = 'T'

      AND Q.[Date] between @StartDate AND @EndDate


    &nbsp Pass

     ON QN.QuizID = Pass.QuizID INNER JOIN


     SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Q.QuizInstance) AS TotalCount, QN.QuizID

     FROM ccsnew.dbo.Quiz_Name QN INNER JOIN

      dbo.Quizzes Q ON QN.QuizID = Q.QuizID

     WHERE QN.QuizTypeID = @QuizTypeID

      AND QN.VendorID = @VendorID

      AND Q.Status IS NOT NULL

      AND Q.[Date] between @StartDate AND @EndDate


    &nbsp Total

     ON QN.QuizID = Total.QuizID INNER JOIN


     SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Q.IDNumber) AS UniqueCount, QN.QuizID

     FROM ccsnew.dbo.Quiz_Name QN INNER JOIN

      dbo.Quizzes Q ON QN.QuizID = Q.QuizID

     WHERE QN.QuizTypeID = @QuizTypeID

      AND QN.VendorID = @VendorID

      AND Q.Status IS NOT NULL

      AND Q.[Date] between @StartDate AND @EndDate


    &nbsp UniqueUsers ON QN.QuizID = UniqueUsers.QuizID

    WHERE QN.QuizTypeID = @QuizTypeID AND

     QN.VendorID = @VendorID


    It works fine if I execute this for one (individual) month.

    The following is the info of record count for individual months

    Record Count      Month

    -------------     -------

    75                     Jan

    79                     Feb

    82                     Mar

    85                     Apr

    10                     May



  • Just use a bigger range of dates and add a group by for the months and you're golden.

  • If I add group by months I am getting 4534 records from Jan to May 2005, but I should get only 331 records (if I add the record count of individual months then it should be 331 only).

  • What did you put in for the group by?

  • The following is the query and it is returning 1184 records and it should return 331 only.


    Note: replace the Satisfied icon with ")". Where ever I use that icon is coming and I do not know how to take that of and put ")".



    DECLARE @StartDate smalldatetime

    DECLARE @EndDate smalldatetime    

    SET @VendorID = 43

    SET @QuizTypeID = 23

    SET @StartDate = '01/01/2005 12:00:00 AM'

    SET @EndDate = '05/31/2005 11:59:59 PM'

    Select distinct Results.Month,





     Results.TotalCount from


    SELECT Pass.month, QN.QuizID, QN.QuizName, QN.Module,

     IsNull(Pass.PassCount, 0) AS PassCount,

     IsNull(Total.TotalCount, 0) AS TotalCount,

     IsNull(UniqueUsers.UniqueCount, 0) AS UniqueCount

    FROM ccsnew.dbo.Quiz_Name QN INNER JOIN


     SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Q.QuizInstance) AS PassCount, QN.QuizID, datepart(month,Q.Date) Month

     FROM ccsnew.dbo.Quiz_Name QN INNER JOIN

      dbo.Quizzes Q ON QN.QuizID = Q.QuizID

     WHERE QN.QuizTypeID = @QuizTypeID

      AND QN.VendorID = @VendorID

      AND Q.Status = 'T'

      AND Q.[Date] > @StartDate AND Q.Date < @EndDate

     GROUP BY datepart(month,Q.Date), QN.QuizID


     ON QN.QuizID = Pass.QuizID INNER JOIN

     ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Q.QuizInstance) AS TotalCount, QN.QuizID, datepart(month,Q.Date) Month

     FROM ccsnew.dbo.Quiz_Name QN INNER JOIN

      dbo.Quizzes Q ON QN.QuizID = Q.QuizID

     WHERE QN.QuizTypeID = @QuizTypeID

      AND QN.VendorID = @VendorID

      AND Q.Status IS NOT NULL

      AND Q.[Date] > @StartDate AND Q.Date < @EndDate

     GROUP BY datepart(month,Q.Date), QN.QuizID


     ON Pass.QuizID = Total.QuizID INNER JOIN


     SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Q.IDNumber) AS UniqueCount, QN.QuizID, datepart(month,Q.Date) Month

     FROM ccsnew.dbo.Quiz_Name QN INNER JOIN

      dbo.Quizzes Q ON QN.QuizID = Q.QuizID

     WHERE QN.QuizTypeID = @QuizTypeID

      AND QN.VendorID = @VendorID

      AND Q.Status IS NOT NULL

      AND Q.[Date] > @StartDate AND Q.Date < @EndDate

     GROUP BY datepart(month,Q.Date), QN.QuizID

    &nbsp UniqueUsers ON Total.QuizID = UniqueUsers.QuizID


    Group By Results.Month, Results.PassCount, Results.QuizID,

      Results.QuizName, Results.Module, Results.TotalCount

    Order By Results.Month

  • Let's start over, send me :

    - tables dll

    - sample data (insert statements)

    - sample results

    - current results.

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