Adding offset week to date table

  • I'm starting with a normal date table:

    Date_ID int, (in yyyymmdd format so for example today's entry is 20050122)

    date_field datetime,

    day_of_week varchar(8),

    day_number_in_year int,

    week_number_in_year int,

    year_number int,

    first_date_of_week datetime,

    day_number_in_week int

    I'd like to add a column to reflect a data warehouse load cycle that runs Thursday through Wednesday. So new column "load_week int" would begin with 1 on Jan 5, 2006 and run through the 53rd week ending Jan 3rd, 2007. Going back in time, Jan 1 to 4 of 2006 would be the end of the last load week of 2005.

    At first it looked easy since there's week_number_in_year and set load_week = week_of_year for Thu, Fri, Sat works in most cases. But when the year starts with Fri, Sat, or Sun then that's week 1 on the calendar so the next week needs to be week_number_in_year -1.

    There are other oddities such as some years spill over to 53 or 54 calendar weeks when they start on Sunday and end on Monday so a blanket statement can't be made that the first days of the year that are less than Thursday in load_week 52 of the prior.

    Can anyone think of a way to handle this with t-sql using sets that isn't hopelessly convoluted? Sure, I could bash out something with a cursor that could handle this, but that's no fun and makes a lousy t-sql learning experience. The date table in question runs 1990 to 2010 and so covers quite a few oddball year-end and year-start situations when trying to calculate the load_week entry.

    Thanks for any help or pointers.

  • Not sure that this will solve your problem, but you can use the 'SET DATEFIRST' T-SQL command, for example:

    --store the current datefirst setting

    declare @datefirst int

    select @datefirst = @@datefirst

    --reset the datefirst setting to Thursday

    set datefirst 4

    --return the load_week for a number of sample dates

    select datepart(week,'20060105')-1

    select datepart(week,'20060111')-1

    select datepart(week,'20060112')-1

    --restore the datefirst setting

    set datefirst @datefirst

  • Thanks, using:


    datefirst 4

    update dim_date set load_week = datepart(week,date_field) - 1

    Followed by:




    load_week = (select max(load_week) from dim_date b where b.year_number = a.year_number -1) from dim_date a where load_week = 0

    Works for most years except when Thursday is the first day of the year.  Years where Thurday is first results in starting with week 0 which then gets overwritten with the prior year's max.  So I'm still working on how to express 'don't use the -1 when the first day of the year = Thursday' in t-sql syntax. 

    Any more ideas?  Thanks for the help so far!

  • In case anyone is interested, the solution turned out to be:


    @datefirst int


    @datefirst = @@datefirst


    datefirst 4


    a set load_week = datepart(week,date_field) - 1 from dim_date a where year_number not in (select year_number from dim_date b where month_number_in_year = 1 and day_number_in_year = 1 and day_of_week = 'Thursday')


    a set load_week = datepart(week,date_field) from dim_date a where load_week is NULL set datefirst @datefirst


    a set load_week = (select max(load_week) from dim_date b where b.year_number = a.year_number -1) from dim_date a where load_week = 0

    Thanks Paul for pointing me in the right direction!

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