Adding new article

  • I have replication configured across my 3 environment (Dev, QA, PROD). I added a new article in Dev using sp_addarticle @PUBLICATION,

    @article = @Article_Name,

    @source_owner = @Schema,

    @source_object = @SOURCE_OBJECT,

    @type = N'logbased',

    @description = N'',

    @creation_script = N'',

    @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop',

    @schema_option = 0x00000000082350DD,

    @force_invalidate_snapshot = 0,

    @identityrangemanagementoption = N'none',

    @destination_table = @SOURCE_OBJECT,

    @destination_owner = @Schema,

    @status = 24,

    @vertical_partition = N'true',

    @ins_cmd = N'SQL', @del_cmd = N'SQL', @upd_cmd = N'SQL'

    It works fine in Dev. However, when I try to deploy to QA, I get the following error:

    Msg 14046, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSdrop_article, Line 75

    Could not drop article. A subscription exists on it.

    Why is it calling sp_MSdrop_article? The article I'm creating does not exist in the QA environment.


    The Dude

  • Additional info...

    I've looked through articles and confirmed it does not exist.

    I dropped and recreated the subscription.

    Based on sp_addarticle I'm thinking that the call to sp_MSdrop_article is occuring inside sys.sp_MSrepl_addarticle.

    This doesn't make since. If the article already exists it won't create it and you get "Article already exists". So what is it trying to drop?

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