Adding license key though command prompt

  • We have an eval version of Sql Server 2008 installed on one of our servers, and we want to add a license key. We used the following command, and the message returned said it completed successfully, but SSMS still says it will expire in 100 days.

    Setup.exe /SkipRules=EditionRequirementCheck /ACTION=EditionUpgrade /INSTANCENAME=SKATESQL /PID=<the_product_key>

    We have to do it through the command prompt because our key is for the SBS version and the OS is Server 2008. Any ideas why this might not have worked, or what we can do instead?

  • Have you re-started the server? This may be required

    Every day is a school day, and don't trust anyone who tells you any different.

  • Ya, we did try rebooting the server. No such luck, I'm afraid.

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