adding extra columns at subscriber

  • Hello,

    I want to setup transaction replication.  The publisher table does not have createdate or updatedate for auditing.  Is it possible, can I add this to the subscriber db table (at the receiving end), and make it populate with current date.


    thanks for your replies.




  • Yup .... It will work. I was experimenting with that very thing just now.  I encountered a problem when rerunning the snapshot that I'm about to post in a new thread. It may be relevant, depending on how you have yours configured.

    I'm doing a little "dummy" replication now, to try and anticipate any pitfalls that might occur before committing to doing it in a live scenario.

  • Thanks a lot Homebrew !

    I mean to say, I cannot add extra columns at the publisher (production db), as my current application might break.  I only want these columns in the subscriber.

    thanks again 

  • HomeBrew and everyone ?

    any updates ?

  • I don't see any problem.   I replicated from TableA to TableB, where TableA has 4 fields and TableB has 5 fields. It replicates the 4 fields available. You can also add an additional field to TableB later if you need to.

    Is your subscriber table already populated ?  Will you ever want to repopulate the subscriber from the publisher ? Or, once you've populated the subscriber, and begun updating createdate or updatedate, do you want to ensure that the subscriber data never gets deleted ?

    In my case, I will be doing an update to the subscriber table data after it gets it from the publisher, so I'm using "Keep the existing table unchanged" on the subscription, and using Hilary Cotter's suggestion of "NONE" for the Delete command.

    For your safety & peace of mind, don't make production changes based on what I say (I'm trying to figure this stuff out too). Set up a non-production replication scenario and test it for yourself using tables and data that mimic your production emvironment.

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