December 22, 2005 at 7:42 am
Can any one tell me why this is not working
DECLARE @sOutFolder VARCHAR(255)
set @CRLF = char(10) + char(13)
--specify the data exchange folder here
select @sOutFolder='c:\xml\orders\'
select @sSQL = 'echo ^<ORDERS^>'+@CRLF+'^<ORDERS^> >'+ @sOutFolder + 'Orders_'+convert(varchar(255),BuyerOrderNumber)+'.xml' from inserted
exec master..xp_cmdshell @sSQL
When I remove the @CRLF variable it works fine. But I need to add it to the file
December 22, 2005 at 7:46 am
Not sure if this is the cause but CRLF is x0D0A Char(13) + Char(10)
December 23, 2005 at 7:05 am
What are you trying to accomplish? As Allen mentioned you've reversed the Cr and LF. However, even when that is corrected, the output you are trying to run with xp_cmdshell is:
echo ^<ORDERS^>
^<ORDERS^> >c:\xml\orders\Orders_401.xml
Are you trying to redirect the output of a query to the file c:\xml\orders\Orders_401.xml ?
If so, you can only process one line at a time with xp_cmdshell (which runs cmd.exe). Consider running the SQL query with osql.exe using the -o switch, or creating a batch file (.cmd) you can call. Anoher option is to store the BuyerOrderNumber in a table, and process that table periodically with a scheduled job.
To create a file with three lines from a command prompt, you'd need to run three commands:
echo ^<ORDERS^> >c:\xml\orders\Orders_401.xml
echo 12345 >>c:\xml\orders\Orders_401.xml
echo ^</ORDERS^> >>c:\xml\orders\Orders_401.xml
to produce
December 23, 2005 at 7:37 am
thanks for the help. You answered my question why it was not working. xp_cmdshell only does one line at a time I did not know that. I went and wrote an active x script that outputs the file. Everytime an order is added to the orders table I create an xml file for import into my legacy system. If anyone wants the code let me know I will be happy to share.
thanks and have a great holiday everyone
December 27, 2005 at 9:07 am
Exec sp_CmdShell 'Echo Text for Line 1 & Echo Text for Line 2'
The "&" is the Command-Shell command separator. Of course, you could redirect this output to a file as such:
Exec sp_CmdShell 'Echo Text for Line 1 > MyFile.txt & Echo Text for Line 2 >> MyFile.txt'
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