adding calculated parcentages on group

  • Hi

    I have a report on ssrs, my report is grouped on category 2, then Assets. I've calculated the Utilisation percentages on Asset group which works fine. now I want to average the Utilisation percetages on Categroy 2 group

    Group1 :Category 2

    Asset FaceTime Texbox1 Texbox2 Utilisation

    BA120211.007.10 2.25 81%

    BA120311.000.30 11.00 0%

    BA130211.001.00 5.75 19%

    BA140211.002.81 0.00 26%

    BD120211.009.32 0.00 85%

    BD126011.008.00 0.00 73%

    BD129011.007.31 6.83 175%

    the calculation I used for these percentages on Utilisation texbox is: Sum(Texbox1)/(FaceTime-Sum(Texbox2)), I'm not summing the FaceTime because it won't change, it will always be 11.

    I need to average the Utilisation field to be able to get 65% but I'm having no luck.

  • I'm not sure why you have SUM's in your current expression, as the sample data you've provided is a single line. Therefore you're summing a single number, which always results in the same number. You can remove these.

    As for your average, are you doing this average at a group at the bottom in your Dataset Group? If so, simply encompass the equation you have with AVG() in the grouping and it'll provide the result you want (in this case, 65.498%). So:



    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks for the response, unfortunately AVG(Texbox1/(FaceTime-Texbox2)) doesn't work cause Textbox1 & Textbox2 are already summed,

    the records e.g BA1202 are grouping and they already have calculated values.

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