Adding average makes all metrics blank

  • All,

    I have a SiteCharacteristic fact table surrounded by a SiteDimension, CharacteristicDimension and ZipCode (Geography) dimension. There is a single fact, the CharacteristicMeasure. When I create a cube with the Sum and Counts of this measure, everything appears to be OK. However, I would like to include statistical metrics such as mean, standard deviation, etc., so I started out with a calculation for the mean (average). Here is my calculation:


    AS [Measures].[Characteristic Measure] / [Measures].[Site Characteristic Fact Count],

    FORMAT_STRING = "Standard",

    NON_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR = { [Characteristic Measure], [Site Characteristic Fact Count] },

    VISIBLE = 1 , ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Site Characteristic Fact' ;

    When I add this, *all* the measures return blank. (I've done 20-25 simple cubes in my career, but most were in 2000 or 2005, and I'm obviously not current on this stuff.)

    Any help appreciated.



  • Hello there, did you find solution to your problem? If you did can you pls share your solution?


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