Add variable to @body in msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

  • Hi !

    I´m setting up a trigger to execute msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail.

    The mailing is working also the trigger but i need to add the selected values from inserted into the @body variable.

    alter TRIGGER enviacorreos on infarchivo

    for insert


    declare @infanlab int

    declare @infanmuestra char(13)

    declare @infaobs varchar (700)

    declare @infaversion smallint

    IF exists (select * from inserted i where i.infaversion >1)


    select @infanlab = i.infanlab from inserted i

    select @infanmuestra = i.infanmuestra from inserted i

    select @infaobs = i.infaobs from inserted i

    select @infaversion = i.infaversion from inserted i

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'prueba',

    @recipients ='',

    @subject ='Nueva Versión de Informe',

    @body = 'Ha sido generada una nueva versión para el informe en PDF identificado como:

    NºLab: @infanlab

    Muestra: @infanmuestra

    Versión: @infaversion

    Mensaje enviado automaticamente'


    I need to add @infanlab, @infanmuestra, @infaversion to the @body with the displayed text.

    any ideas??

    thanks in advance.

  • it is actually deceptively just repalce a palceholder in the msg body with the variable actuial value ...just make sure the variable values cannot be null, and you should be all set:


    declare @body varchar(max)

    @mybody = 'Ha sido generada una nueva versión para el informe en PDF identificado como:

    NºLab: @infanlab

    Muestra: @infanmuestra

    Versión: @infaversion

    Mensaje enviado automaticamente'

    --replace the placeholders of the variable name with the variable value.

    SET @mybody = REPLACE(@mybody,'@infanlab',@infanlab)

    SET @mybody = REPLACE(@mybody,'@infanmuestra',@infanmuestra)

    SET @mybody = REPLACE(@mybody,'@infaversion',@infaversion)

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'prueba',

    @recipients ='',

    @subject ='Nueva Versión de Informe',

    @body = @mybody


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  • Try creating another variable for the body, then forming a string that includes the variables you need:

    Declare @Body VARCHAR(500)

    Set @Body = "This is a test:' + @variable + ' More of the message with another variable:' + @variable2

    Then, in your sp_send_dbmail you would just use the @Body, which would include your text and variables:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @Recipients = ''

    , @Subject =''

    , @Body = @Body

  • Thanks lowell!! i was missing the replace function!!

    i got this

    alter TRIGGER enviacorreos on infarchivo

    for insert


    declare @infanlab int

    declare @infanmuestra char(13)

    declare @infaobs varchar (700)

    declare @infaversion smallint

    declare @mybody varchar (max)

    declare @myinforme nvarchar (255)

    IF exists (select * from inserted i where i.infaversion >1)


    select @infanlab = i.infanlab from inserted i

    select @infanmuestra = i.infanmuestra from inserted i

    select @infaobs = i.infaobs from inserted i

    select @infaversion = i.infaversion from inserted i

    set @myinforme = 'Nueva Versión de Informe: @infanlab'

    set @myinforme = replace(@myinforme,'@infanlab',@infanlab)

    set @mybody = 'Ha sido generada una nueva versión para el informe en PDF identificado como:

    NºLab : @infanlab

    Muestra: @infanmuestra

    Versión: @infaversion

    Motivo : @infaobs

    Mensaje enviado automaticamente por el sistema LABMANAGER de Hidrolab S.A., Por favor no responder.'

    SET @mybody = REPLACE(@mybody,'@infanlab',@infanlab)

    SET @mybody = REPLACE(@mybody,'@infanmuestra',@infanmuestra)

    SET @mybody = REPLACE(@mybody,'@infaversion',@infaversion)

    set @mybody = replace(@mybody,'@infaobs',@infaobs)

    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'prueba',

    @recipients = test@test,

    @subject = @myinforme,

    @body = @mybody


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