Add New Column with RowID

  • Nusc (8/3/2016)


    I want to try what you did. The xlsx file is supposed to be saved as a csv but the forum wont' allow me to upload csv files. I have removed it and linked to the original source data.

    Rename your .CSV to .TXT and then attach it. Problem solved.

  • Okay it works so far. How do I save the output into the table so that I can load it in visual studio?

    MY issue with using these geography statements is that it won't recognize the string, this is why I avoided it.

    Here is the example of one output:

    name | WholeRoute

    ABELE| 0x00000000010424000000CDCCCCCCCC8C554033333333333328C00000000000A05540CDCCCCCCCCCC27C0D6277DD2279D5540and so on

    I can save the output to a new file and import it but I want to know in general if you can update tables with subqueries.

  • What won't recognise the string? You can use spatial queries in a report dataset, the SSRS maps require spatial types.

    If you need to save the results you can just do:

    select ... into hurricane_routes ...

    if you need to you can convert geoms back to WKT using SELECT g.STAsText() from hurricanes..

  • I get the same errors as I did with linestring in my previous attempts.

    THe whole point of doing is this is to load this data into SSRS.

  • wtf indeed. What are you doing with the Import Export wizard now?

    You can't export a spatial datatype to a csv - it's a binary format. You don't need to. Create a datasource to the table you've made from SSRS.

    SSRS maps consume spatial datatypes anyway, a csv would be no use.

  • Okay then going back to my previous attempt, how would I introduce the INSERT statement for this JOIN?

    I asked how to update the table but then the discussion diverted somewhere...

  • Spiff (8/3/2016)

    If you need to save the results you can just do:

    select ... into hurricane_routes ...

    If you want to to an INSERT or SELECT INTO on a CTE, you just do it in the last query.

    WITH cte AS (...)

    SELECT *

    INTO my_new_table

    FROM cte

    You could just use the spatial query in a report dataset anyway.

  • If I insert that JOIN using:


    I get the error:

    The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML is also specified.

    I have attached a screen of what I need a new table.

    I can't use spatial query if I can't load the data into a new table.

  • I don't know why you need all that. The query I provided creates the whole linestring - of all the points. If you really need just a linestring to the next point - the top part of query where it uses g.ShortestLineTo(lead(g).... does that for you.

    You can use your query directly in a report dataset if you want, or just create a view, you don't need to put it in a table.

    Why can't you just create the table and stick an INSERT INTO at the top?

  • Spiff (8/3/2016)

    I don't know why you need all that. The query I provided creates the whole linestring - of all the points. If you really need just a linestring to the next point - the top part of query where it uses g.ShortestLineTo(lead(g).... does that for you.

    You can use your query directly in a report dataset if you want, or just create a view, you don't need to put it in a table.

    Why can't you just create the table and stick an INSERT INTO at the top?

    Because I want lines. I don't want individual points - I don't see how it shows up on SSRS.

    This is what I want:


    -76.5001866085881 42.4310489934743,

    -76.4602850815536 43.4353224527794,

    -73.4728622833178 44.7028831413324)' AS geography) as Route

    But as you can see this is only 3 points, I would need to do it based on the dataset.

    In addition, I don't know how to assign a rowid to that data properly without resetting back to 1 for each Name, even though it was included in the original data source you downloaded which I have removed.

    I don't want to use ISO_TIMe because it's easier to order with rowid as INT.

    WHere can I find a reference for creating views? Is this in VS or MS?

    What are you talking about here?

    Why can't you just create the table and stick an INSERT INTO at the top?

  • I don't want to use ISO_TIMe because it's easier to order with rowid as INT.

    well I disagree.....on the assumption that you wish to plot the course of the hurricane, how else do you wish to do it other than by time.?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • THe microsoft example can plot a path with 3 points


    -76.5001866085881 42.4310489934743,

    -76.4602850815536 43.4353224527794,

    -73.4728622833178 44.7028831413324)' AS geography) as Route

    In my case I would just add : Year Lat Long Name.

    I don't need time other than year to isolate each one and by name.

  • J Livingston SQL (8/3/2016)

    I don't want to use ISO_TIMe because it's easier to order with rowid as INT.

    well I disagree.....on the assumption that you wish to plot the course of the hurricane, how else do you wish to do it other than by time.?


  • My first post -

    Spiff (8/3/2016)

    I can see what you are trying to do however rather than trying to create the geometry text dynamically you should be using spatial aggregate functions.

    You can convert these all to linestrings via:

    with lines as (

    select name, g.ShortestLineTo(lead(g) over (partition by name order by rowid)) as LineToNext

    from dbo.hurricanes


    select name, geometry::UnionAggregate(LineToNext) as WholeRoute

    from lines

    group by name;

    The clue was I called everything "lines".

    Change geometry::UnionAggregate(LineToNext)

    to geometry::UnionAggregate(LineToNext).STAsText() and you will see.

  • I get the result in the attached image.

    I am pretty close to getting this done but my issue involves storing these tables into new tables. That's the biggest issue at the moment.

    Look at the output for damnit2.jpg, Can you tell me where the insert statement goes when you have a subquery?

    I could try and use the query after it has been stored:

    update [dbo].[hurracane]

    set trajtectory=geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING('+[COORDS]+')', 4326)

    The other option was to store this












    CAST('LINESTRING(' + a.Longitude +' '+ a.Latitude +', '+

    b.Longitude +' '+ b.Latitude + ')' AS GEOGRAPHY) AS segmentspatialdata

    into hurricane_routes3


    hurracane a


    hurracane b


    b.rowid = a.rowid + 1

    AND b.season = a.season

    AND =


    b.rowid IS NOT NULL

    ORDER BY a.rowid

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