July 29, 2005 at 10:11 pm
Hi all,
I had created a test database same as my production database. The default logfile size was 5MB with no auto grow and userdefined logfile size was 10 MB with auto grow 5 MB.
Now i transfer the data from production datatbase to my test database as the default logfile size was 5MB with no autogrow the test database issued the error that logfile is full.
When i already created the second logfile with autogrow then why sql server did not use that logfile when default log is full.
July 31, 2005 at 10:33 pm
Dear Raj,
it is not recomended to Add more log file , what you can do is shrink log file using dbc shrinkfile , make autor grow (in % and not in MB) option checked. read BOL for further information...
Hemantgiri S. Goswami | SQL Server Specialist & Consultant
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July 31, 2005 at 11:29 pm
Dear Hemant,
we can as many logfile as we want. as per the books on line says with examples.
Then what is the questation that it is not recomnded. Did microsoft says this.
And my questation was not this that it is recomended or not.
Anyway thanx for ur reply
August 1, 2005 at 3:38 am
Hi Raj,
Can you say what method you used to do the transfer please, if it's DTS then is should have been ok, if it's restoring from a backup then that's a slightly different story.
I have seen problems in the past where log files refused to autogrow but that's different to your example, can you let us know what version of SQL you're using and what Service pack it's on please.
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