Add indexes to views used in sql azure

  • Hi,

    I'm having performance issues with a view I'm using on sql azure and want to add an index but there seems to be quite a few constraints, can anyone tell me if it is possible with these views (perhaps a clustered index as an identity(1,1)) and how I would do it, thanks. (I did read somewhere that for a view to have an index it can't call another view - this would be a bit of a sticking point as the first view does reference the second view)





    CREATE view [dbo].[vw_ReferralKPIs] AS

    SELECT dbo.PatientRefKPI.ClientRef, dbo.PatientRefKPI.dbPatID, dbo.PatientRefKPI.dbPatLastName, dbo.PatientRefKPI.dbPatBirthday, dbo.PatDetail.dbAddDate,

    dbo.vw_PatReferrals.FirstName, dbo.vw_PatReferrals.LastName, dbo.StaffRefKPI.dbStaffLastName, dbo.Status.dbStatusDesc,

    dbo.vw_PatReferrals.dbOtherRefType, dbo.vw_PatReferrals.RefTypeWord

    FROM dbo.PatDetail


    RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.PatientRefKPI ON dbo.StaffRefKPI.dbStaffCnt = dbo.PatientRefKPI.dbDocID AND StaffRefKPI.ClientRef = PatientRefKPI.ClientRef

    RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.Status ON dbo.PatientRefKPI.dbStatusID = dbo.Status.dbStatusID AND Status.ClientRef = PatientRefKPI.ClientRef

    ON dbo.PatDetail.dbPatCnt = dbo.PatientRefKPI.dbPatCnt AND PatDetail.ClientRef = PatientRefKPI.ClientRef

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.vw_PatReferrals ON dbo.PatientRefKPI.dbPatCnt = dbo.vw_PatReferrals.dbPatCnt AND vw_PatReferrals.ClientRef = PatientRefKPI.ClientRef

    WHERE (dbo.vw_PatReferrals.dbRefType = 'i')


    CREATE view [dbo].[vw_PatReferrals] AS




    dbo.LnkPatReferral.CotegaModifiedTime, dbo.PatientRefKPI.CotegaModifiedTime,

    dbo.Responsible.CotegaModifiedTime, dbo.Siblings.CotegaModifiedTime,

    dbo.OutsideDoctors.CotegaModifiedTime, dbo.Specialty.CotegaModifiedTime,

    dbo.OtherReferrals.CotegaModifiedTime, dbo.StaffRefKPI.CotegaModifiedTime

    ) as CotegaModifiedTime,







    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 1 THEN 'PATIENT'

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 2 THEN 'RPARTY'

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 3 THEN 'SIBLING'

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 4 THEN 'DOCTOR'

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 5 THEN 'OTHER'

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 6 THEN 'STAFF'

    END AS RefTypeWord,


    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 1 THEN PatientRefKPI.dbPatCnt

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 2 THEN Responsible.dbRespCnt

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 3 THEN Siblings.dbSibCnt

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 4 THEN OutsideDoctors.dbDoctorCnt

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 5 THEN OtherReferrals.dbOtherCnt

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 6 THEN StaffRefKPI.dbStaffCnt

    END AS FoundName,


    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 1 THEN PatientRefKPI.dbPatFirstName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 2 THEN Responsible.dbRespFirstName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 3 THEN Siblings.dbSibFirstName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 4 THEN OutsideDoctors.dbDoctorFirstName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 5 THEN OtherReferrals.dbOtherRefFirstName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 6 THEN StaffRefKPI.dbStaffFirstName

    END AS FirstName,


    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 1 THEN PatientRefKPI.dbPatMiddleName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 2 THEN Responsible.dbRespMiddleName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 3 THEN Siblings.dbSibMiddleName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 4 THEN OutsideDoctors.dbDoctorMiddleName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 5 THEN OtherReferrals.dbOtherRefMiddleName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 6 THEN StaffRefKPI.dbStaffMiddleName

    END AS MiddleName,


    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 1 THEN PatientRefKPI.dbPatLastName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 2 THEN Responsible.dbRespLastName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 3 THEN Siblings.dbSibLastName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 4 THEN OutsideDoctors.dbDoctorLastName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 5 THEN OtherReferrals.dbOtherRefLastName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 6 THEN StaffRefKPI.dbStaffLastName

    END AS LastName,


    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 1 THEN PatientRefKPI.dbPatCommonName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 2 THEN Responsible.dbRespCommonName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 3 THEN Siblings.dbSibCommonName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 4 THEN OutsideDoctors.dbDoctorCommonName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 5 THEN OtherReferrals.dbOtherRefCommonName

    WHEN LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 6 THEN StaffRefKPI.dbStaffCommonName

    END AS CommonName,




    FROM LnkPatReferral

    LEFT JOIN PatientRefKPI ON LnkPatReferral.dbLPatRefAnyPtr = PatientRefKPI.dbPatCnt AND LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 1 AND LnkPatReferral.ClientRef = PatientRefKPI.ClientRef

    LEFT JOIN Responsible ON LnkPatReferral.dbLPatRefAnyPtr = Responsible.dbRespCnt AND LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 2 AND LnkPatReferral.ClientRef = Responsible.ClientRef

    LEFT JOIN Siblings ON LnkPatReferral.dbLPatRefAnyPtr = Siblings.dbSibCnt AND LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 3 AND LnkPatReferral.ClientRef = Siblings.ClientRef

    LEFT JOIN OutsideDoctors ON LnkPatReferral.dbLPatRefAnyPtr = OutsideDoctors.dbDoctorCnt AND LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 4 AND LnkPatReferral.ClientRef = OutsideDoctors.ClientRef

    LEFT JOIN Specialty ON OutsideDoctors.dbSpeciality = Specialty.dbSpecCnt AND LnkPatReferral.ClientRef = Specialty.ClientRef

    LEFT JOIN OtherReferrals ON LnkPatReferral.dbLPatRefAnyPtr = OtherReferrals.dbOtherCnt AND LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 5 AND LnkPatReferral.ClientRef = OtherReferrals.ClientRef

    LEFT JOIN StaffRefKPI ON LnkPatReferral.dbLPatRefAnyPtr = StaffRefKPI.dbStaffCnt AND LnkPatReferral.dbPatRefTablePtr = 6 AND LnkPatReferral.ClientRef = StaffRefKPI.ClientRef

  • Not possible. To start with, you have outer joins which aren't allowed in an indexed view

    This isn't an Azure limitation, the earthed SQL product has the same long list of indexed view limitations.

    Perhaps an alternative approach? Instead of trying to index the views, maybe post the queries that are slow, the specific queries which access the views, along with their execution plans, table definitions and index definitions and we can try and help you tune the queries.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Views that call to other views and nest and join on views is a notorious code smell that leads to poor performance. My suggestion, write the query you want directly against the tables rather than use views.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Thanks guys, I shall look into your advice.

  • Actually I may have been barking up the wrong tree. Running the sql below (which references the first view, which in turn references the second view) without the 3 SUM statements returns the result set pretty quickly and the SUM statements don't reference the views. Can you see any easy optimizing of those statements (I know I haven't posted any data, sorry)


    r.dbPatID, p.dbPatFirstName, p.dbPatLastName, r.dbstatusdesc, r.dbAddDate, r.LastName, r.dbStaffLastName


    SUM(CASE WHEN t.LedgerAmount > 0 AND t.LedgerType !=29 AND t.LedgerType !=30 AND t.LedgerType != 31 AND t.LedgerType != 1 OR t.LedgerType = 16 THEN t.LedgerAmount ELSE 0.00 END) AS Charges,

    SUM(CASE WHEN t.LedgerAmount < 0 AND t.LedgerType != 1 AND t.LedgerType != 16 AND t.LedgerType != 45 OR t.LedgerType = 29 OR t.LedgerType = 30 OR t.LedgerType = 31 THEN t.LedgerAmount ELSE 0.00 END) AS Payments,

    SUM(CASE WHEN t.LedgerType = 1 OR t.LedgerType = 46 THEN t.LedgerAmount ELSE 0.00 END) * -1 AS Contracts


    vw_ReferralKPIs r

    LEFT JOIN Transactions t ON t.PatientID = r.dbPatID

    AND r.ClientRef = t.ClientRef

    LEFT JOIN Patient p ON p.dbPatID = r.dbPatID

    AND r.ClientRef = p.ClientRef


    (r.dbAddDate >= '2014-01-01' OR '2014-01-01' = '')

    AND (r.dbAddDate <= '2015-05-27 23:59' OR '2015-05-27 23:59' = '')

    AND (r.dbStaffLastName IN ('') OR '' = '')

    AND (r.LastName IN ('Tio ')) --OR 'Tio ' = '')

    AND r.ClientRef = 'INV'


    r.dbPatID, p.dbPatFirstName, p.dbPatLastName, r.dbstatusdesc, r.dbAddDate, r.LastName, r.dbStaffLastName


  • I may republish the previous post in the sql 2008 forum as I don't think it is sql azure related now.

  • mattech06 (5/27/2015)

    Can you see any easy optimizing of those statements (I know I haven't posted any data, sorry)

    I was about to say 'execution plans, table definitions and index definitions', then I realised you're doing this:

    But other than that, table definitions, index definitions and execution plan please.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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