Add % in a chart Report

  • I have created a Chart report in bUilder. it is cuurently giving me the figures in whole numbers is there a way to change these to percentages


  • ofcourse, u can do that.. actually i am also doing the same thing in my chart, where the values, along with the percentage is displayed... u just have to write an expression, something like value/sum(value,chart scope) appended with a percentage symbol. contact me at or reply back to this thread if u still have a problem. just furnish more details like the value as well as the scope of the chart...

  • hi jason,

    i am trying to achieve something which seems difficult to me. I am just wondering if some one can give some advice. We have chart in reporting services to show graphs.

    When we get chart like circle and it is divided into different number. I want to make 5 partition so that i can say it as 5 part of 20%. so first part which might looks green is (0-20%), second part (20-40%). etc.

    I have some number say 10 is 100% and 0 is 0%. so if my query will give me 7 then it is 70% i need to show. It should appear in area of (60-80%). For this i need to format chart to show 5 part and then show 7 into 3rd part. Or there should be soemthing which shows that your number (7) is in part 3rd.

    It should be part as something like this.

    but all part should be same.

    Please advice me with this.

  • Hi,

    You can follow these steps:

    1. Open Chart Properties window.

    2. Select Data Tab

    3. Click on value field and then Edit Button

    4. in Edit Chart Values dialogue box, Click on Point Labels

    5. Write expression in Data Labe:

    =Fields!FieldName.Value/Sum(Fields!FieldName.Value, "DataSetName")

    6. Change formate to p

    click OK

    thats it.

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