Add Group or User

  • I have RS 2005 set up and can log in and view the reports I have uploaded.  I would like to start to let the users see the reports.  i know that you use management studio to give permissions to all the reports listed.  The problem is when I go to permissions and click "add group or user" I do not get the "Select user group dialogue box" Where you can select a user from a domain.  Instead I get this dialogue box that says "Type the name or security group you want to give permission to".  There is no network check names or anything.  I need to turn something on I am sure but I can not find any documentation.....Please help this is nerve racking.

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  • I don't believe that it even checks names when you set permissions from SQL Server Management Studio. When you do it from Report Manager, even though it looks the same, it does actually do a name check before accepting the entry.

  • I appreciate the response. Yes that is what I figured out. the video I was watching off a webcast showed it differently so I thought something was messed up. It worked and I am working well now. Thanks

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