Add e-mail notification to job via TSQL?

  • Assuming e-mail is configured for a SQL Server, how may I use SQL to add e-mail notification to an existing job?

    I can do this using SQL Server Management Studio by opening the properties for a job under SQL Server Agent, selecting 'Notifications', enabling it, and selecting the e-mail (operator?) from the drop-down list. That will send one e-mail if the job fails. I'm trying to do that same procedure in SQL so I may run one big SQL script to configure notifications for several jobs.

  • This is what I get from scripting that:

    USE [msdb]


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id=N'01cc77f0-9ea0-4e26-9cc5-2cdda24086b5',






    You'd have to take this and join it with the msdb table to get the job ID's and check to see that there isn't already a notify entry.

    Of course this implies that you already have a SQL Agent operator set up and that DB Mail is enabled for SQL Agent (which is separate from enabling it for SQL Server).

    Interesting idea, though. I think I'll be taking a look at this myself.

  • I usually set up any new sql server instances so that it runs a job at 7am every day which runs some sql to check all jobs and steps that ran in the past 24 hours.

    It then sends me an email saying "passed" if there were no failures. And if there were failures it sends me an email containing the job and step names that failed.

    Is that what you are looking for.... ?



  • Thanks, Dave. I'm looking for more of a passive system where DBAs are only notified of errors. In implementing the Hallengren scripts for database maintenance for many servers and locations, one script creates the jobs and supporting procedures, another I put together schedules all the jobs, and all I have left is setting up e-mail notification if any jobs fail.

  • Bryan i think you can simply add a step to your job that would do the notification, and then change the On Failure to call that notification step instead, right?


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  • Lowell, he wanted it scriptable...

    Here's where to check the job stuff:



    So in essence you'd get the data from these tables then run the above SP to add the notify. There's another sp to add an operator if you don't have one.

    Of course you still need to verify that Agent is properly configured to send mail (and restarted once configured). Haven't found the table for that yet.

  • Found it. Here are the generated scripts for Hallengren's CommandLog Cleanup job. Note this assumes you have Database Mail already configured with an operator called 'dba'.

    -- Without notification set:

    DECLARE @jobId BINARY(16)

    EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_job

    @job_name=N'CommandLog Cleanup',








    @category_name=N'Database Maintenance',


    @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT

    -- With notification set

    EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_job

    @job_name=N'CommandLog Cleanup',








    @category_name=N'Database Maintenance',



    @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT

    -- Difference:

    @notify_level_email=2 instead of @notify_level_email=0

    @notify_email_operator_name=N'dba' instead of null

    -- To add e-mail notification, run this:

    use msdb

    EXEC dbo.sp_update_job

    @job_name = 'CommandLog Cleanup'

    , @notify_level_email = 2 -- on failure

    , @notify_email_operator_name ='dba'

  • --To update all jobs that do not have email notification enabled I run this:


    DECLARE jobstep_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT job_id

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    WHERE enabled = 1 AND notify_level_email = 0

    OPEN jobstep_cursor;

    FETCH NEXT FROM jobstep_cursor INTO @jobid;



    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = @jobid,




    @notify_email_operator_name=N'SQL Admin'

    FETCH NEXT FROM jobstep_cursor INTO @jobid;


    CLOSE jobstep_cursor

    DEALLOCATE jobstep_cursor

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