Add date to bcp file name

  • I have an SQL Job set up to send a file to a folder. I need to add getdate() in the format, yyyymmdd, to the end of the filename but, I can't seem to get the correct syntax. Any thoughts?

    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(2048)

    SET @cmd = 'bcp "EXEC SigHealth..spAPSDownload_Lab" queryout'

    +' "\\sh-sftp\data$\aps_billing\APS_Lab.txt" -c -T -t^|'

    +' -SLOCALHOST" '

    print @cmd

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, NO_OUTPUT

  • DECLARE @DateStr VARCHAR(12);

    SET @DateStr = REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(),102),'.','');

    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(2048)

    SET @cmd = 'bcp "EXEC SigHealth..spAPSDownload_Lab" queryout'

    +' "\\sh-sftp\data$\aps_billing\APS_Lab_'+@DateStr+'.TXT" -c -T -t^|'

    +' -SLOCALHOST" '

    print @cmd

  • Perfect.


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