Add Date Specific MSRP to Orders Table

  • Hello -

    I have an orders table and a MSRP (manufacturer suggested retail price) table. I would like to grab the date specific MSRP and add it to the orders table.

    Orders table has the following fields



    MSRP - I want to add this field

    MSRP table has the following fields




    How would I grab the correct price from the MSRP table and lay it into the orders table?

    If I have an order date of 1-1-11 and the MSRP for that UPC looks like this:

    55555555555 | 4-5-09 | $1.99

    55555555555 | 3-9-11 | $1.65

    55555555555 | 9-4-10 | $2.25

    Then I would need to choose the $2.25 because it is the most recent price update without being after the order date. Hope this all makes sense!

  • notice how i provided all the code you might need to test the solution? if you can do the same, by providing either CTE or CREATE TABLE...INSERT INTO statements, you'll get much better results, faster, and in a way that everyone can follow along.

    one way to do it is to use row_number and simply grab the right row...

    play with this, see if you understand why it returns the results you want, and ask any questions you might have.

    WITH Orders(UPC,Order_Date,pricePaid)


    SELECT convert(bigint,55555555555),convert(datetime,'01-1-11'),convert(money,187 )


    ,MSRP (UPC,Effective_Date ,Price )



    SELECT convert(bigint,55555555555),convert(datetime,'4-5-09'),convert(money,1.99) UNION ALL

    SELECT 55555555555,'3-9-11',1.65 UNION ALL

    SELECT 55555555555,'9-4-10',2.25







    MSRP.Price AS MSRP_PRice

    FROM Orders


    ON Orders.UPC = MSRP.UPC

    AND Orders.Order_Date >= MSRP.Effective_Date ) MyAlias

    WHERE RW = 1


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks for taking the time to help Lowell - much appreciated!

    I am not very familiar with Row_Number or the Partition By functions in T-SQL, I am going to have to do some reading on them. I just tested out your solution on some data. It kind of worked, but I selected the top 1000 rows and it only returns 17 results. At first glance it looks like the Partition By function essentially groups by UPC. This is a cool view, but not exactly what I am looking for.

    I don't want to just view the results, I want to add an actual column to the orders table and insert the date specific MSRP so it is always there. We are in a data warehouse environment, and would like it there to run reports on the table. It should be a permanent column moving forward. I will also have to build a solution to add the date specific MSRP in SSIS during loads.

  • you probably need to partition by customer number + upc or invoice_number + upc completely depends on your specific data. based on what i was able to derive, my limited example works, but it's a prototype for enhancement.

    if you can provide sample tables and data that truely emulates the situation, we can help further.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • I find that row number works better when you have a single table that you are trying to pull the most recent record from. When you have multiple tables, I think that CROSS APPLY performs much better.

    SELECT *

    FROM Orders AS o


    SELECT TOP(1) m.Effective_Date, m.Price


    WHERE o.UPC = m.UPC

    AND o.Order_Date >= m.Effective_Date

    ORDER BY m.Effective_Date DESC

    ) AS m


    PS: Since the sample data was so small, I wasn't able to generate meaningful statistics for IO and TIME.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks Lowell. I wish I would provide actual data but due to regulatory compliance laws I cannot. I am actually not dealing with orders, upcs, or just makes a good comparison for people to understand.

    With that said, partitioning by UPC and RowID has fixed the problem!

  • Lowell (2/8/2012)

    if you can provide sample tables and data that truly emulates the situation, we can help further.

    the key there was emulates what you are trying to do, not necessarily exactly what you are trying to do.

    everyone needs to protect the real data of course, in the future just give us something that properly represents the data in question.

    glad you got it working the way you wanted with the rowid you had available!


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks Drew, I really like the Cross Apply method. Much easier to read. I wonder how performance differs between the two methods...

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