December 7, 2015 at 1:20 pm
Im trying to add the Parameters to have a pull down where the user can choose the client
and give a start date and end date to see what kind of records a client has for a given time.
Taxonomy_desc is the client
Create_timestamp is the date we are using
My query is below for the pie chart which shows the client percentages of active billings
I think I have to add an declare statement somewhere, I just dont know how or where
in the query to do it.
Any thoughts?
SELECT t.taxonomy_desc, t.taxonomy_id, t.taxonomy_code,
t.create_timestamp, t.created_by, t.modify_timestamp, t.row_timestamp
FROM dbo.taxonomy_mstr t
ON c.rendering_taxonomy = t.taxonomy_code
JOIN dbo.claim_requests r
ON c.claim_id = r.claim_id
December 8, 2015 at 2:18 am
so you need to add parameters in the parameters folder under the "Report Data" pane.
If you want a list of values to drive these you'll need a data set for each (the start and end date you wont need to do this for, just set the type of the parameters to Date and you'll get nice date pickers)
Once you've done this, go to this query and add the parameters to the query, using an @ prefix
i.e. WHERE Taxonomy_desc = @Param_Taxonomy_desc
Then navigate to the parameters tab of the dataset and map this @Param_Taxonomy_desc
to the report parameter you created earlier
Googling adding parameters to SSRS reports should give you plenty of guides on this 🙂
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