Add Current Date to File Name

  • Hello,

    I need to come up with a way to add the current date to a daily .csv file name and then upload just that single file to an FTP site.

    I already have an SSIS package that builds the file. Now I need to rename it with the date (20090519_data.csv) and upload it.

    Any suggestions?


  • Prefix the destination variable with


    + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)MONTH(@[User::DateTimeVar]), 2)

    + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DAY(@[User::DateTimeVar]), 2)

    For more sample date-time formats, click here


  • Thanks for the reply Ramesh.

    I'm having a hard time getting this to work. Here's what I'm attempting to do.

    I've added the "User::DateTimeVar" variable to the package. Then I created a "File System Task" and tried to add your expression to the destination variable. Here's the error that I get when I try to evaluate the expression.

    TITLE: Expression Builder


    Expression cannot be evaluated.

    For help, click:



    The function "YEAR" does not support the data type "DT_I4" for parameter number 1. The type of the parameter could not be implicitly cast into a compatible type for the function. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator.

    Evaluating function "YEAR" failed with error code 0xC0047089.

    The function "YEAR" does not support the data type "DT_I4" for parameter number 1. The type of the parameter could not be implicitly cast into a compatible type for the function. To perform this operation, the operand needs to be explicitly cast with a cast operator.






  • Can you post the expression you are trying to evaluate?


  • Here's a screen shot...

  • It was my bad!!! This is what happens when you post late in the night:w00t:

    Change the expression to


    + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)MONTH(GETDATE()), 2)

    + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DAY(GETDATE()), 2) + ".CSV"


  • The expression evaluates now. However...I get this error.

    TITLE: Package Validation Error


    Package Validation Error



    Error at File System Task: Failed to lock variable "D:\20090519-acct.csv" for read access with error 0xC0010001 "The variable cannot be found. This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created.".

    Any ideas?

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