Add Calculated Column to cross tab report

  •  I have a crystal cross tab report based on sql 2000  revenue table:

    columns : PL_category, booking_date, amount.

    In my cross tab report, i have classified PL_category into Funded Income and Expenditure  and the booking_date are rows, sum of amount is the summarised data.

    I problem is how can i add another column - Profit which will be Funded Income - Expenditure?

    In addition I would like the user to input a budget amout and i should also show another calculated value - variance as(budget - profit).

    How best can i do this? SQL Stored procedure? 

    I really appreciate any help


  • Can you add an example of current situation and desired results?


    Roi Assa

    Kindest Regards,

    Roi Assa

  • Thanks Roi

    columns: ID| PL_category|booking_date|amount

    data  : -----------------------------------------

                 1|   50000      |01/05/2006  |230.00


                 2|   50100     |10/05/2006  |20 .00


                 3|   52000     |03/05/2006  |100 .00


                4|   52500     |20/05/2006  |50 .00


    I would like to clasify  50000 and 50100 as Funded Income and

    52000 and  52500 as Expenditure

    In addition i have a parameter to input the budget - say 120.00

    Desired Results in a cross tab report:

    Budget - 120

    Month  |Funded Income|Expenditure|Profit|Variance


    May 2006|   250.00          | 150.00        |100.00|  20        



    my  Profit   is (Funded Income - Expenditure)

        Variance is (Budget - profit)

    I hope this is clear



  • I wrote something quickly, let me know if you need more than that.


    -- Simulate data


    TABLE #Report (

    ID INT ,

    PL_category INT ,

    booking_date DATETIME,






    (1, 50000, '5/1/06',230)




    (2, 50100, '5/10/06',20)




    (3, 52000, '5/3/06',100)





    (4, 52500, '5/20/06',50)


    /* -- Your requests

    Month |Funded Income|Expenditure|Profit|Variance


    May 2006| 250.00 | 150.00 |100.00| 20





    -- Select Query


    DATENAME(MONTH,booking_date) + ' ' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR,booking_date) AS VARCHAR) AS MONTH,

    SUM(CASE WHEN PL_category IN (50000,50100) THEN AMOUNT ELSE 0 END) AS [Funded Income],

    SUM(CASE WHEN PL_category IN (52000,52500) THEN AMOUNT ELSE 0 END) AS [Expenditure],

    SUM(CASE WHEN PL_category IN (50000,50100) THEN AMOUNT ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN PL_category IN (52000,52500) THEN AMOUNT ELSE 0 END) AS Profit




    BY DATENAME(MONTH,booking_date) + ' ' + CAST(DATEPART(YEAR,booking_date) AS VARCHAR)



    DROP TABLE #Report




    Few things,

    1. It's just an example, use the same for Variance.

    2. I used Temp table in order to simulate your table

    3. You can replace CASE with any otder logic (like mapping table for categories and join with that table)


    Good luck,

    Roi Assa

    Kindest Regards,

    Roi Assa

  • This is it Roi

    Thanks so much, you have made my day

    This forum is really useful

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