Add an article to an existing Publication

  • Hi ,

    I have a Transactional Replication in our environment, I want to add a table to a publication Db.How to add a table to a publication db without re initializing the whole publication.

    When i tried to add i received following message.

    You have changed one or more properties that require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. Saving these changes marks each subscription that supports automatic reinitialization to be reinitialized from a snapshot the next time its Distribution Agent runs. You must run the Snapshot Agent to generate the snapshot.

    Please let me know how to add an article without re initialization of the publication.



  • You can't, as the message explains the publication which includes all articles has to be re-initialised which in turn will generally mean creating a new snapshot depending on how old the snapshot it.

    Your best bet would be add the new article as part of a new publication, that way the original publication is unaffected and you have less data to snap from the publisher to the subscriber.

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

  • According to BOL:

    2.After adding an article to a publication, you must create a new snapshot for the publication (and all partitions if it is a merge publication with parameterized filters). The Distribution Agent or Merge Agent then copies the schema and data for the new article to the Subscriber (it does not reinitialize the entire publication).

  • it is possible, you have to change two values.

    please be so kind and watch this thread:

    at the end, there is an interesting link.

    with this, you are also able to add a new subscriber to an existing publication without an snapshot for the other "old" subscriber.

  • Adding a new subscriber is a different situation. You would need to generate a new snapshot but you do not need to reinitialise the exiting subscribers as they will not be changing. You will need to initialise the new subscriber however.

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

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