Actual file size

  • Hi to all,

    Because we run and application with a strange behaviour I was asked to monitor the filegrowth (and schrinking) and report it on an interupt of 10 minutes (stored in a report table).

    Unfortionately the tables "<database>.sysfiles" and "master.altfiles" contain the fixed sizes only if a datafile has set with the NO extent option (Vendors spec). In other cases it displays the actual size though.

    my last attempt was to join the sysobjects - sysindexes - sysfilesgroups - sysfiles in combination with exec sp_MStablespace '<tablename>' but is was failing because I cound not find out what makes a table and what makes an index (using the sysindexes table).

    This is the last attempt I made before hitting this forum;


    DECLARE @var01 varchar(200)

    DECLARE @var02 varchar(200)

    DECLARE @string01 VARCHAR(8000)


    select  groupname

    from  sysfilegroups

    create table #temp ( filename varchar(80), Groupname varchar(80), rows integer, Data_kb integer, Index_kb integer )

    OPEN c_een

    FETCH NEXT FROM c_een INTO @var01



    --retrieving all the table names union the index names and insert them into the #TEMP table

     set @string01 =

     'insert into #temp (filename, groupname)

     select distinct object_name(id),'''+@var01+''' from sysindexes

     where groupid = filegroup_id('''+@var01+''')


     select distinct ''IND_''+name,'''+@var01+''' from sysindexes

     where groupid = filegroup_id('''+@var01+''') and indid > 0'

     print @string01

     exec ( @string01)

     FETCH NEXT FROM c_een INTO @var01


    CLOSE c_een

    DEALLOCATE c_een


    DECLARE @var03 varchar(200)

    DECLARE @string02 VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @string02a VARCHAR(8000)

    declare c_twee cursor for

    select  filename

    from  #temp

    create table #temp2 ( rows2 integer, data_kb2 integer, index_kb2 integer)

    open c_twee

    fetch next from c_twee into @var03

    while @@fetch_status = 0



    --Retieving the actual sizes using the sp_MStablespace (undocum proc)

    --On non tablenames this SP will not work but this is not the real issue here. . . .

     set @string02 =

     'insert into #temp2 (rows2,data_kb2,index_kb2) exec sp_MStablespace '''+@var03+''''

     print @string02

     exec ( @string02)

    if @var03 not like 'IND_%' -- THIS IS A TABLE


     set @string02a =

     'update #temp set rows = (select isnull(rows2,0) from #temp2) where filename = '''+@var03+'''

     update #temp set data_kb = (select isnull(data_kb2,0) from #temp2) where filename = '''+@var03+''''


    if @var03 like 'IND_%'


     set @string02a =

     'update #temp set rows = (select isnull(rows2,0) from #temp2) where filename = '''+@var03+'''

     update #temp set index_kb = (select isnull(index_kb2,0) from #temp2) where filename = '''+@var03+''''


     exec (@string02a)

     delete from #temp2

     fetch next from c_twee into @var03


    close c_twee

    deallocate c_twee


    select * from #temp

    select distinct(groupname), sum(rows) as table_rows, (sum(data_kb)/1024) as Data_MB, (sum(index_kb)/1024) as Index_MB from #temp group by groupname

    drop table #temp

    drop table #temp2


    Can someone please tell me what I've been missing and point me into the right direction.

    Thanks in advance


    The Netherlands


  • Guus,

    I use the following SP which I found on a forum some time ago. It relies on the data in the msdb..backupfile table, which is updated each time a database is backed up. There is a column in this table called 'backed_up_page_count', which records the actual number of pages written to the backupfile, rather than the actual number of pages reserved for the database as a whole. This is the same as the "used" size of a database.

    The formatting of the code here will be pants, unfortunately, but I'm sure you'll be able to smarten it up


    CREATE procedure sp_track_db_size_used

    (@dbnameParam sysname = null)



    Copyright © 2001 Narayana Vyas Kondreddi. All rights reserved.

    Purpose:To calulate the file growth percentages for a given database and to show you the rate at which

    your databases are growing, so that you can plan ahead for your future storage needs.

    Written by:Narayana Vyas Kondreddi

    Tested on: SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 2000

    Date modified:December-3-2001 01:33 AM IST


    Usage:Run this script in the master database to create the stored procedure. Once it is created,

    you could run it from any of your user databases. If the first parameter (database name) is

    not specified, the procedure will use the current database.

    Example 1:

    To see the file growth information of the current database:

    EXEC sp_track_db_size_used

    Example 2:

    To see the file growth information for pubs database:

    EXEC sp_track_db_size_used 'pubs'


    DECLARE @dbname sysname

    /* Work with current database if a database name is not specified */

    SET @dbname = COALESCE(@dbnameParam, DB_NAME())

    SELECTCONVERT(char, backup_start_date, 111) AS [Date], --yyyy/mm/dd format

    CONVERT(char, backup_start_date, 108) AS [Time],

    @dbname AS [Database Name], [filegroup_name] AS [Filegroup Name],

    logical_name AS [Logical Filename],

    physical_name AS [Physical Filename],

    CONVERT(numeric(9,2),(backed_up_page_count * 8192)/1048576) AS [File Size (MB)],

    Growth AS [Growth Percentage (%)]











    (((bf1.backed_up_page_count*8192) * 100.00)/(backupfile1.backed_up_page_count*8192))-100)

    FROMmsdb.dbo.backupfile backupfile1

    WHERE backupfile1.backup_set_id =



    FROMmsdb.dbo.backupfile backupfile2 JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset backupset

    ON backupfile2.backup_set_id = backupset.backup_set_id

    WHEREbackupfile2.backup_set_id < bf1.backup_set_id AND

    backupfile2.file_type='D' AND

    backupset.database_name = @dbname AND

    backupfile2.logical_name = bf1.logical_name AND

    backupfile2.logical_name = backupfile1.logical_name AND

    backupset.type = 'D'

    ) AND

    backupfile1.file_type = 'D'

    ) AS Growth

    FROMmsdb.dbo.backupfile bf1 JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset bs1

    ON bf1.backup_set_id = bs1.backup_set_id

    WHEREbs1.database_name = @dbname AND

    bf1.file_type = 'D' AND

    bs1.type = 'D'

    ) as Derived

    WHERE (Growth 0.0) OR (Growth IS NULL)

    ORDER BY [Date], logical_name

  • Philip,

    Thank you for replying on my post.

    Before testing the scrtip I like to comment on your phrase;

    . . . There is a column in this table called 'backed_up_page_count', which records the actual number of pages written to the backupfile, rather than the actual number of pages reserved for the database as a whole. This is the same as the "used" size of a database. . . .

    A backup (file) is always smaler as the actual database unless if you set the fill-factor to 100% . Setting the fill-factor to 100% will be done on OLAP environments and is NOT recommended on OLTP environments. If you set it to 100pct in a OLTP environment al justifications on a page (update alter etc) will cause unnecessary row-chaining and slow you database down (dramaticly when altering it very frequently).

    You suggestion is not that acurate as I would like but it is close.

    later today (or next week) I will examin your script. . .



    The Netherlands


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