Activity Monitor - % Processor Time Grayed Out

  • adejola.oyetti (6/29/2011)

    Activity Monitor does %Processor Time greyed.

    On SQL SERVER 2008 servers


    On the host to the sql server instance.

    Go my Start -> Right click Computer , select Manage.

    This brings up the service manager.

    Expand Configuration from left menu

    Expand the “Local users and Groups” -> select Groups.

    Right click on the Performance Monitor Users and add the users in there.

    Thanks for this fix - works fine for SQL2012 as well as SQL2008. Needed to close out of and restart SSMS2012.

    CORRECTION: It started but has since reverted to grayed-out monitoring the active node. No such issues with monitoring SQL2005 using SQL2008R2 SSMS! (Thanks Microsoft for a.n.other ...)

    And there's no such registry key in my Windows 2008 R2 registry. Back to Googling...

  • Did you ever find a solution to this? I'm having the same problem, connecting to a SQL 2005.

  • adejola.oyetti (6/29/2011)

    Activity Monitor does %Processor Time greyed.

    On SQL SERVER 2008 servers


    On the host to the sql server instance.

    Go my Start -> Right click Computer , select Manage.

    This brings up the service manager.

    Expand Configuration from left menu

    Expand the “Local users and Groups” -> select Groups.

    Right click on the Performance Monitor Users and add the users in there.

    That sounds like a great idea, and it should't hurt, but when I tried it with SQL Server 2012 I ended up not able to run Activity Monitor against the server at all ("Access denied") using my SA (but non Administrator) account. Removing it from the group did not help.

    At that point I remembered SSMS's tendency to cache information for the lifetime of the SSMS process. With my account gone from the group, restarting SSMS returned me back to the original problem -- Processor Time grayed out. Whew! No progress but no regression either.

  • I have had this as well, company I consult for have SQL 2008 Instances in house and a number at a managed hosting company. % Processor is greyed out when accessing the remotes instances Activity monitor via SSMS, however works fine when remoting to the box and opening up SSMS. They use a SQL login when accessing the managed remote instances and not a domain login (so can't add it to the Performance Users group).


    [font="Tahoma"]Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. – Carl Jung.[/font]
  • Perhaps is a little late for a response, but I've faced the same problem trying to monitor cpu time on remote boxes. To view CPU time graph via Activity Monitor over a remote box, you must have WMI ports enabled (ports 135 and 445 TCP). Once enabled, the graph displays normally.

    Hope this helps.

  • For me, the Publisher instance was fine but had the same issue with "Processor Time %" graph grayed out on the Subscriber - SQL Server 2012. The solution is simple, add the user to the Windows "Distributed COM" group and there you have it. Worked for me and hope this helps someone else.

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