ActiveX scripts and files

  • Is there any way I can zip up files within an ActiveX script?




  • You have to download a third party zip program like or and shell out from the package or write your own in .Net

  • Absolutely.  We used winzip and command line parameters in our task.


  • Hi

    You could also try sawzip...Do a search on google for it.



  • I have the following code within the ActiveX: script:

    sRptFileName = "\\ititpafs01\pds\INETPUB\FTPROOT\accumen\Political\" & iRowCount1.Value & ".xls"

    Dim vCsvFile

    Dim vZipFile

    Dim mcrZip

    vCsvFile = "\\ititpafs01\pds\INETPUB\FTPROOT\accumen\Political\" & iRowCount1.Value & ".xls"

    vZipFile = "\\ititpafs01\pds\INETPUB\FTPROOT\accumen\Political\" & iRowCount1.Value & ".zip"

    mcrZip = "RUN l:\voicenet\isiti\winzip\wzzip.exe " & vZipFile & " " & vCsvFile


    This is not working.

    Can someone please help me out?



  • rookie,

    two things first you need to install the winzip command line add on's, these do not come with winzip but they are free.  here is the link  .  download the add on's then view the read me file.  they do a nice job of telling oyu all the command zine switches and hwo to use them, good luck


  • I found another way of running this. I'm testing in query analyzer before running it in the ActiveX script.

    The xls file is about 358 kb and contains about 1569 rows.

    I am using the following code:


    Use master

    DECLARE @result varchar(200)

    EXEC @result = xp_cmdshell '\\ITITPAFS02\pds\voicenet\isiti\winzip\wzzip.exe \\ititpafs01\pds\inetpub\ftproot\accumen\political \ \\ititpafs01\pds\inetpub\ftproot\accumen\political \at0123.xls'

    IF (@result = 0)

    PRINT 'success'


    PRINT 'Failure'


    It runs longer than 9 min. I just kill it. Am I doing something wrong?



  • Try running it from the command line and see what happens.

    Use just '\\ITITPAFS02\pds\voicenet\isiti\winzip\wzzip.exe \\ititpafs01\pds\inetpub\ftproot\accumen\political \ \\ititpafs01\pds\inetpub\ftproot\accumen\political \at0123.xls'

    You maybe running into rights issues crossing servers.


  • matt is correct could be permissions.  here is what i would do, open command prompt.  run your zip command fro mthere if all works great, then use cmdshell as yo uhave stated, if it fails it is most likley do to the sql server agent account not havign permissions to do what it needs to access the other resources, remeber when you run cmdshell it hands of to the sql server agent account.

  • The only way it works for me is I do it like this:

    1. Connected to the server that this code will be running off of.

    2. Saved the excel file to c:\test\at0123.xls

    3. Opened command prompt.

    4. Typed: cd\ which takes me to the prompt c:\>

    5. Then if I typed c:\>"c:\Program files\winzip\wzzip.exe" c:\test\

    This zips everything in the c:\test directory.

    What I need to do is through the ActiveX script zip up the excel file that sits on server (\\ititpafs01\pds\inetpub\ftproot\accumen\political\) using the wzzip.exe which sits on a different server(\\ITITPAFS02\pds\voicenet\isiti\winzip\wzzip.exe)

  • winnzip mus teb sql server where you are running the script task, otherwise this will not work

  • If I type what works in the command prompt:

    C:\>"c:\program files\winzip\wzzip.exe" c:\test\

    into query analyzer:

    DECLARE @result int

    USE master

    EXEC @result = xp_cmdshell '"C:\Program Files\WinZip\wzzip.exe" C:\test\'

    IF (@result = 0)

    PRINT 'Success'


    PRINT 'Failure'


    It runs and hangs with no results.

  • kmlakov - I didn't understand your post. Can you please retype it?

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