ACTIve X Script and/or Script Task...Alternatives

  • AT First, Sincere appology to all, not being able to COde things. I am very poor at code. not so good knowledge about VB or Active X. I have this (code Below) Active X script task in DTS , and i AM moving to SSIS. My Active X task fails. ( Many of u are asking why u r using ACtive X in SSIS). simple answer . Poor at coding. I need help --If some one can code this one for me in Script task. ANy help will be highly appreciated. Or someone can understand the logic behind the code and give me alternatives. If i can do the same piece of work with combining mnay others tasks.

    Or som eone can write code for me in Script task and give me mor ehints to complete.

    Thnaks to all in ADVANCE>

  • You forgot to put the code...


  • SORRY.......

    Here is the code---------


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    Dim fso

    Dim fil

    Dim fold

    Dim coll

    Dim CurrentDate

    Dim i

    Dim arrFiles()

    Dim pkg

    Dim stpContinue

    Dim stpStop

    set fso = CREATEOBJECT("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    set fold = fso.GetFolder(DTSGlobalVariables("FilePathRoot").Value)

    set coll = fold.files

    CurrentDate = DatePart("m",Now) & "/" & DatePart("d",Now) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",Now)

    i = 0

    set pkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

    set stpContinue = pkg.Steps("File Not Found Message")

    set stpStop = pkg.Steps("Copy Files to CDJ")

    If DTSGlobalVariables("ProcessFlag").Value = 0 Then

    For each fil in coll

    If DatePart("m",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("d",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",fil.DateLastModified) = CurrentDate Then

    ReDim Preserve arrFiles(i)

    arrFiles(i) = fil

    i = i + 1


    End If



    If i = 0 Then

    stpStop.DisableStep = True

    'stpContinue.ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting



    'stpStop.ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Waiting


    stpContinue.DisableStep = True

    End If

    End If

    If DTSGlobalVariables("ProcessFlag").Value = 1 And DTSGlobalVariables("FromDate").Value <> DTSGlobalVariables("ToDate").Value Then

    stpContinue.DisableStep = True

    stpStop.DisableStep = False

    For each fil in coll

    If DatePart("m",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("d",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",fil.DateLastModified) >= DTSGlobalVariables("FromDate").Value Or _

    DatePart("m",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("d",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",fil.DateLastModified) <= DTSGlobalVariables("ToDate").Value Then

    'MsgBox(fso.GetFileName(fil) & " " & DatePart("m",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("d",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",fil.DateLastModified))


    End If


    End If

    If DTSGlobalVariables("ProcessFlag").Value = 1 And DTSGlobalVariables("FromDate").Value = DTSGlobalVariables("ToDate").Value Then

    stpContinue.DisableStep = True

    stpStop.DisableStep = False

    For each fil in coll

    If DatePart("m",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("d",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",fil.DateLastModified) = DTSGlobalVariables("FromDate").Value And _

    DatePart("m",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("d",fil.DateLastModified) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy",fil.DateLastModified) = DTSGlobalVariables("ToDate").Value Then


    End If


    End If

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

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