Active Directory Data Source

  • I'm pretty sure I know why, but that doesn't tell me how to fix it!

    The standard AD query will only return 1,000 rows, unless you set the "Page Size" parameter in the connection. Then it will return the "Page Size" number of rows, then return another "Page Size".

    The problem is, I have no idea how to set the Page Size within SSIS...all the references I've found tell me how to do it in VB or C#, but I'd really prefer to do this in a data source.

    Anyone run into this and know how to set the Page Size?

  • That is because the PageSize is not set in SSIS.

    Here is a scary solution:;en-us;315071&sd=tech

    Personally, I prefer this one:

  • Actually, the page size is set in two places.

    First, on the AD DC/GC (and that's the MS support article), you can set the default/maximum page size. The problem there is that the max that can be set is 1,000.

    On the query side, however, if you don't specify a page size in your LDAP query, then AD will return only that many records (ie. only one page). It's up to the requestor (in this case SSIS) to tell LDAP that it wants multiple pages back.

    I've had exactly the same problem with using great, just won't bring back more than 1,000 rows.

  • I have a similar issue with AD limiting the number of rows returned. Did you ever find a resolution to this problem?


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