September 1, 2010 at 4:28 am
I have created an Update trigger that records data changes to an audit table. This works perfectly as it shows info like... date, username, event, table, beforeValue,afterValue.
Performace is excellent on all tables bar one. I have a table with 328 fields and as the trigger cycles through each field to check for changes this can take up to 10 minutes to complete. All other tables with fields <150 run fine. Is I am not able to change the table structure, I am stuck with 328 fields.
I would be able to get round this hurdle if I could pass the inserted and deleted tables to a stored procedure. This would then free the trigger and let the SP dela with the loop.
Does any one know of a way to pass these table values to a SP even via a tmp table?
Note: I do pass these values to tmp tables instde the trigger to allow referencing in dynamic sql therefore if the SP could also use the tmp tables it might be a solution?
September 1, 2010 at 4:50 am
cycles through each field
Without looking at your trigger, I'm thinking there may be a better or faster way to do whatever you are doing in your trigger;
if your trigger is completely set based, you wouldn't have to iterate thru anything; something as simple as a CTE joining INSERTED and DELETED in your trigger may provide you with the set based speed up you might need to make the trigger model scalable.
even better, there are a lot of volunteers here on SSC that drool at the opportunity to offer high performance code; you'll get some awesome suggestions.
can you show us a CREATE TRIGGER example of your trigger so we can offer some suggestions?
September 1, 2010 at 5:41 am
Thanks lowell, heres the trigger...
Note: addedd an extra ' to the code line
'select getdate(),replace(suser_sname(),'ukdngroup\'',''),'
as was not displaying colors correctly on this site.
Correct code =
'select getdate(),replace(suser_sname(),'ukdngroup\',''),'
ALTER trigger [dbo].[ClaimUpdateDelete] on [WIS].[dbo].[Claim] FOR UPDATE, DELETE as
IF not exists (select * from inserted)
insert into wis.dbo.tblaudit (date,username,ukdnno,jobnumber,[event],
select getdate(),replace(suser_sname(),'ukdngroup\'',''),ukdnno,micontjobno,'D','Claim' from deleted
IF not exists (select * from inserted except select * from deleted) RETURN
Declare @fieldname varchar(128), @i int,@sql varchar(max)
create table #tmpColumnTable (id int,Column_Name varchar(100))
insert into #tmpColumnTable select ordinal_position,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='claim'
select * into #ins from inserted
select * into #del from deleted
set @i=1
while @i <= (select count(*) from #tmpColumnTable)
set @fieldname=(select column_name from #tmpColumnTable where id=@i)
set @sql='
if exists(select i.jobno from #ins i inner join #del d on i.ukdnno=d.ukdnno where i.['+@fieldname+'] <> d.['+@fieldname+'])
insert into wis.dbo.tblaudit (date,username,ukdnno,jobnumber,[event],
select getdate(),replace(suser_sname(),''ukdngroup\'',''''),d.ukdnno,d.micontjobno,''U'',''Claim'','''+@fieldname+''',d.['+@fieldname+'],i.['+@fieldname+'] from #ins i inner join #del d on i.ukdnno=d.ukdnno'
exec (@sql)
set @i=@i+1
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