accessing results from procedure using VB record set

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to use the results of a proc in VB using record set and command object.  With SQL authentication, everything works fine.  But with nt authentication, i get the error

    Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

    Here is my stored procedure

    CREATE procedure dbo.SMRICREATE

     @tname sysname, /* if null - stored procedure will be recreated for all of the "_SMDBA_" tables */

     @ri_type smallint = 3, /* @ri_type & 1 - create RI...INS, @ri_type & 2 - create RI...DEL */

     @ri_all smallint = 1, /* 1 - create RI...DEL for all tables involved (has meaning only if (@ri_type & 2) = 2) */

     @do_out smallint = 1 /* 1 - just do output of a source w/o actual creation */





     @error integer,

     @rowcount integer,

     @stat integer,

     @xact_table smallint

    declare @ParamDef nvarchar(300)

    declare @Database nvarchar(80)

    set @Database = DB_NAME()

    declare @collatename nvarchar(500)

    Select @collatename = convert(nvarchar(128),databasepropertyex(''+@Database+'','collation'))

    if @@error != 0

     goto error_exception


     @line integer,

     @proc_buf nvarchar(2000)

    create table #proc_buf

     (line integer,

     proc_txt nvarchar(2000))

    create index #proc_buf_idx on #proc_buf(line)

    declare c_smtbls cursor for

     select SYSTBLNAME from dbo.SMSYSTABLES


     set xact_abort on -- will abort the whole transaction if error is raised ??

     set nocount on

     if (@ri_type & 3) = 0 -- has nothing to do

      return 1

     select @xact_table = case when @tname is null then 0 else 1 end

     if @xact_table != 1


    --   select @ri_all = 0 -- has no sense because anyway we are going to create stored procedures for all of them

       if @ri_all != 0 -- little trick for user who doesn't know what he's doing


         exec dbo.RAISE_ERROR 13 --'You have no rights to perform batch build'

         goto error_exception


       open c_smtbls

       if @@error != 0

        goto error_cursor_exception


     select @line = 0

    if (@ri_type & 1) = 1 -- create source for RI data checking on insert/update


     select @proc_buf = -- right now it's 45 characters long

    'if object_id( ''tempdb..#SMRI_inserted'' ) is not null  drop table #SMRI_inserted

    create table #SMRI_inserted

     (SEQ integer)



    if (@ri_type & 2) = 2 -- create source for RI rules checking on delete


     select @proc_buf = @proc_buf + -- right now it's 75 characters long

    'if object_id( ''tempdb..#SMRI_closure'' ) is not null  drop table #SMRI_closure

    create table #SMRI_closure

     (SEQ integer, REFTBL sysname, STAT smallint)




     select @proc_buf = @proc_buf + -- right now it's 83 characters long





     insert into #proc_buf values (@line, @proc_buf)

     if @@error != 0

      goto error_exception

     select @line = @line + 1

     while (1 = 1)


       if @xact_table != 1


         fetch next from c_smtbls into @tname

         if @@error != 0

          goto error_exception

         if @@fetch_status < 0



       if @xact_table = 1 -- check and delete all foreign key definitions if they are wrong


         execute       @stat = dbo.SMSYSCHECKFKDATA;2 0

         if @@error != 0 or       @stat != 0

          goto error_exception


      print @line

       if (@ri_type & 1) = 1 -- create source for RI data checking on insert/update


         execute       @stat = dbo.SMRIBUILDINSERT @tname, @line OUTPUT

         if @@error != 0 or       @stat != 0

          goto error_exception


       if (@ri_type & 2) = 2 -- create source for RI rules checking on delete


         execute       @stat = dbo.SMRIBUILDDELETE @tname, @line OUTPUT

         if @@error != 0 or       @stat != 0

          goto error_exception

         if @ri_all != 0


           if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[reftbls]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

            drop table [dbo].[reftbls]

           exec ('create table reftbls

            (tname sysname COLLATE '+@collatename+')')

           insert into reftbls

            select distinct PKTABLE_NAME from dbo.SMSYSFKDATA

             where FKTABLE_NAME = @tname and PKTABLE_NAME != @tname

           select @error = @@error, @rowcount = @@rowcount

           if @error != 0

            goto error_tmptbl_exception

           select       @stat = case when @rowcount > 0 then 1 end

           while (@rowcount != 0)


             insert into reftbls

              select distinct src.PKTABLE_NAME

               from dbo.SMSYSFKDATA src join reftbls tgt

                on src.FKTABLE_NAME = tgt.tname and src.PKTABLE_NAME != @tname


                not exists(select null from reftbls where tname = src.PKTABLE_NAME)

             select @error = @@error, @rowcount = @@rowcount

             if @error != 0

              goto error_tmptbl_exception


           if       @stat is not null


             declare c_tbls cursor for

              select tname from reftbls


              @reftname sysname

             open c_tbls

             if @@error != 0

              goto error_tmpcursor_exception

             while (1 = 1)


               fetch next from c_tbls into @reftname

               if @@error != 0

                goto error_batch_exception

               if @@fetch_status < 0


               execute       @stat = dbo.SMRIBUILDDELETE @reftname, @line OUTPUT

               if @@error != 0 or       @stat != 0

                goto error_batch_exception


             close c_tbls

             deallocate c_tbls


           drop table reftbls




       select @proc_buf = -- right now it's 81 characters long




       insert into #proc_buf values (@line, @proc_buf)

       if @@error != 0

        goto error_exception

       select @line = @line + 1

       if @xact_table = 1

        break -- done


     if @xact_table != 1

      close c_smtbls

     deallocate c_smtbls

    if (@ri_type & 1) = 1 -- create source for RI data checking on insert/update


     select @proc_buf = -- right now it's 27 characters long


    if object_id( ''tempdb..#SMRI_inserted'' ) is not null  drop table #SMRI_inserted



    if (@ri_type & 2) = 2 -- create source for RI rules checking on delete


     select @proc_buf = @proc_buf + -- right now it's 26 characters long


    if object_id( ''tempdb..#SMRI_closure'' ) is not null  drop table #SMRI_closure



     insert into #proc_buf values (@line, @proc_buf + '

    go') -- and plus 4 characters

     if @@error != 0

      goto error_exception

     select @line = @line + 1

    ---- !!! REMAINDER !!!

    -- upon creation of ODS external stored procedure

    -- which supposed to compile source which will

    -- come from temporary table

    -- put call to it right here ...


     if @do_out != 0

      select proc_txt from #proc_buf order by line

     drop table #proc_buf

     set nocount off

     return 0


     close c_tbls


     deallocate c_tbls


     drop table reftbls


     close c_smtbls


     deallocate c_smtbls

     drop table #proc_buf

     return 1



    Here is the piece of code from VB

    ADORecSet1.CursorLocation = adUseClient

            ADORecSet2.CursorLocation = adUseClient


            sqlstr1 = "Select SYSTBLNAME from SMSYSTABLES"

            ADORecSet1.Open sqlstr1, ADOConn

            If ADORecSet1.RecordCount > 0 Then

                For rowcount = 0 To ADORecSet1.RecordCount - 1

                    Dim CmdObj As New Command

                    CmdObj.ActiveConnection = ADOConn

                    CmdObj.CommandText = "SMRICREATE"

                    CmdObj.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

                    Dim ParamObj1 As Object

                    Dim ParamObj2 As Object

                    Dim ParamObj3 As Object

                    Set ParamObj1 = CmdObj.CreateParameter("@tname", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 100, ADORecSet1("SYSTBLNAME"))

                    CmdObj.Parameters.Append ParamObj1

                    Set ParamObj2 = CmdObj.CreateParameter("@ri_type", adSmallInt, adParamInput, -1, 1)

                    CmdObj.Parameters.Append ParamObj2

                    Set ParamObj3 = CmdObj.CreateParameter("@ri_all", adSmallInt, adParamInput, -1, 0)

                    CmdObj.Parameters.Append ParamObj3

                    Set ADORecSet2 = CmdObj.Execute

                    proctext = ""

                    Do While (Not ADORecSet2.EOF And Not IsCanceled()) - this is where it fails.


                        For k = 0 To ADORecSet2.Fields.Count - 1

                            proctext = proctext & vbCrLf & ADORecSet2(k).value





                    ExecuteSql "SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON"






  • I've encountered this issue.  You cannot have print statements in a stored procedure that returns a recordset to VB, otherwise the recordset will be returned "closed".  Try removing the print statements (or commenting them out).


    DBA with an attitude

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