Accessing Remote Databse Server

  • Our organization having SQL 2005 databse server which is hosted in datacenter. I am able to access the server by opening TCP port 1433 through our local SQL instance. If do so security problem will be arise. So without opening TCP port can i access my server? Please assist me.

  • Are you opening TCP port on your local machine or on remote server? Is the 2005 instance you are trying to access is name instance or default one?


  • I have opened TCP port on remote server and i am using default instance in my local machine as well as remote server.

  • Why dont you try Remote Desktop to that server.


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  • Actually we have two servers in datacenter. One is for webserver and another one is for databse. Our webserver should access database from databse server. I have configred web.conf by adding IP and credentials. But webserver is only able to contact when the TCP port is opened. If i open this Port security problems may arise. How can i configure without openining the port.

  • you could use IPSec to secure communication between the 2 machines


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thank You, I will do that. Apart from IPSec is there any other solution?

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