Accessing meta data for dts transformation object

  • I want to access meta data for source/destination columns in a DTS transform. I believe these are proberties of the DTSTransforamtion Object.... but how can I instantiate / access this object?


  • How are you attempting to access this information? C+? VB? Internally to the package?

    If you are attempting to retrieve information about the source columns for a transform within a DTS package using VBS, you can use the following as an example. Put this code into an ActiveX Script task within your package and execute the task. It will present message boxes with the info about the source columns for the first transform of the specific transform task.

    Function Main()
     Set objPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent
     Set objTask = objPackage.Tasks("DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1").CustomTask
     Set objTransform = objTask.Transformations(1)
     Set objSC = objTransform.SourceColumns
     For each sc in objSC
      Set arrColProp = sc.Properties
      For each arr in arrColProp
       msgbox & ": " & arr
     Main = DTSStepScriptResult_ExecuteTask
    End Function

  • Thanks, much. Just what I was looking for... 🙂

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