accessing cubes through excel 2000 pivot tables

  • HI Steve

     for yor suggestions

    the error im getting is "Intialization of data source failed, check the db server or contact your DBA"

    also to add to my original comments, i downloaded the sp's for analysis server as this install did not have any sp's, (sp1, sp2, sp3)

    i tired your suggestions and the cubes where/are set to visible


    thanks once again



    Kindest Regards,

    Todd,non est vivere sed valere vita est

  • Todd,

    Can you make a new connection to the cube?  ie is it visible in the cube list?  If not, check that the visibility of the cube hasn't been set to false (edit cube, select the cube in the tree, goto properties pane, advanced, Visible property).  I know you said security hadn't changed but you may want to check the visibility/access in the security role/s also.



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