access token value

  • Hi,

    i have the below script :
      "access_token": "7mYWLVjfbttKjxT4_T_rL8SGFMKHjjjhhiTTkklkhKHKKHKKxatwAUi2BaD5e6uJcRPdP9Gf261RnwUZQf4X7jfAfh8BgoQ7pHsj4z9VqlaZ3FdI8t7TZs0P-txg0JU-zJg",
      "token_type": "bearer",
      "expires_in": 3600

    and i need to extract access_token value

    i tried the below but it is not return correct

    declare @string varchar(8000) = '{"access_token": "7mYWLVjfbttKjxT4_T_rL8SKKrGgIpG0EjT6pKYUC_BvINYnKITNA3EZ1dXaxU6QPSaxatwAUi2BaD5e6uJcRPdP9Gf261RnwUZQf4X7jfAfh8BgoQ7pHsj4z9VqlaZ3FdI8t7TZs0P-txg0JU-zJg","token_type": "bearer","expires_in": 3600}'
    select substring(@string, charindex('"', @string) + 17, charindex(' "', @string) - charindex('"', @string) - 1)

  • I assume you are using SQL Server 2014; as that's the forum you have posted in. If you are, instead, using SQL server 2016+ then you have access to OPENJSON.

    For example:
    DECLARE @json nvarchar(MAX) =
    "access_token": "7mYWLVjfbttKjxT4_T_rL8SGFMKHjjjhhiTTkklkhKHKKHKKxatwAUi2BaD5e6uJcRPdP9Gf261RnwUZQf4X7jfAfh8BgoQ7pHsj4z9VqlaZ3FdI8t7TZs0P-txg0JU-zJg",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600

    SELECT [value] AS access_token
    WHERE = 'access_token';

    SELECT access_token
    WITH (access_token varchar(255) '$.access_token',
          token_type varchar(15) '$.token_type',
          expires_in int '$.expires_in');


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • We are using sql server 2014, how can i do it

  • This'll work for access_token, provided that the access token is always quoted:

    FROM (VALUES(CHARINDEX('"' + @key + '"', @json))) K(CI)
        CROSS APPLY (VALUES(CHARINDEX('"', @json,K.CI + LEN('"' + @key + '"')))) A(S)
        CROSS APPLY (VALUES(CHARINDEX('"', @json,A.S+1))) T(E);

    If, however, you need to  query the JSON more freely than that you'll need to use a JSON parser. There are some T-SQL solutions out there (if you search), but they aren't always perfect. Otherwise you could use a CLI solution. If neither of those are options, that only leaves you with the option of upgrading though.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thank yo So Much,  working fine

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