Access forms calling a stored procedure with a parameter

  • Hello, I just upgraded my Access database too use SQL server 2005 using the upsize wizard, Just wondering how I can migrate the following query too SQL server, where the sample number is referencing a control on the Access form. 

    SELECT [Sizing Samples].[Minus Size], [Sizing Samples].[Plus Size], [Sizing Samples].Result

    FROM [Sizing Samples]

    WHERE ((([Sizing Samples].[Sample Number])=[Forms]![Inbound Samples]![cmbSampleNumber]))

    ORDER BY [Sizing Samples].[Plus Size] DESC;

    I guess I would have too write a stored procedure which took in the parameter for the sample number and then run the select statement and return the value back to the code.Can someone help me with the syntax too write the stored procedure and also what i would need to do to call the sproc from the Access code.

    In the form it would be something like

    -- VB Code

    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

    Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

    Dim sampleparam As String

    sampleparam = cmbsampleNo.Text 'Gets value off the dropdown list

    'Not sure how to call the stored proc and pass the parameter



    Create procedure sqInboundSampleNo

    @sampleno, int

    AS select



    RETURN ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT [Minus Size], [Plus Size], Result

    FROM dbo.[Sizing Samples]

    WHERE ([Sample Number] = @sampleno

    ORDER BY [Plus Size] DESC )


    Unsure off the syntax off the stored procedure..

    If someone can please help..thanks in advance


  • Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    cmd.ActiveConnection = cn

    cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    cmd.CommandText = "sqInboundSampleNo"

    cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@sampleno", adVarChar, adParamInput, 6, sampleparam)

    Set rs = cmd.Execute

    If Not rs.EOF Then

    _MinusSize = rs.Fields(0)

    _PlusSize = rs.Fields(1)

    _ Result = rs.Fields(2)

    End If

    set rs = Nothing

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing

    Everything you can imagine is real.

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