Access and ODBC Link to SQL 2000

  • I recently moved my databases to SQL 2000 from Access 2000.  Users are still using Access as their front-end.  I am finding that the ODBC connection does not "stay" when another user accesses the database.  I keep having to use the Linked Table Manager to reconnect.  What can I do to keep everyone's link connected?  HELP!

    -Sharon Williams


  • Strange one this.  Rather than using the Linked table manager - create the ODBC links thru the ODBC DSN and tick the Save Password option.

    [File] [Get External Data] [Linked Files] type [ODBC] [System DSN] point to DSN and tick save password

    The above works for me.


  • Richie,

    Initially, that is how the database was linked, but when I need different users to access the database through MS Access, the connector needs to be made for each inidividual.  It keeps getting lost, and that is what I need help with.


  • Are you using System DSN or User DSN?  We use System DSN and rarely have this problem.  Additionally when our Access app starts up we pop up a splash screen which behind the scenes refreshes the ODBC/DSN connection.


  • Jeff, how can i re-create the pop-up you are talking about???


  • Sharon,

    Here is the code we use:

    Public Sub RefreshDSN(strDSNName As String, strDatabaseName As String, Optional frmStatus As Form)

    Dim tdftemp As TableDef

    Dim strConnect As String

    On Error GoTo ErrLog

    Open "c:\RefreshLog.txt" For Output As #1

    If Not frmStatus Is Nothing Then

        frmStatus.pbStatus.Min = 0

        frmStatus.pbStatus.Max = CurrentDb().TableDefs.Count

        frmStatus.pbStatus.Value = 0

    End If

    For Each tdftemp In CurrentDb().TableDefs

        If Left(tdftemp.Connect, 4) = "ODBC" Then

            strConnect = "ODBC;DSN=" & strDSNName & ";APP=Microsoft® Access;DATABASE=" & strDatabaseName & ";Trusted_Connection=Yes"

            tdftemp.Connect = strConnect


        End If

        If Not frmStatus Is Nothing Then

            frmStatus.pbStatus.Value = frmStatus.pbStatus.Value + 1


        End If

    Next tdftemp

    Close #1


        Exit Sub


        MsgBox "An error has occurred.  Refresh will continue.  Please check log file."

        Print #1, tdftemp.SourceTableName

        Resume Next

    End Sub

  • Thanks!!!  I am totally going to try for a really dumb question:  Where do I put this?


  • Well, one way to do this is to go under Tools, Startup in Access.  You can specify a form to popup.  Then put this code in your form and trigger it by the OnOpen event.  The result will be when you open your Access MDB this code will run.


  • Thanks for your help Jeff...another question though..

    When I put it in the form to run, am I using the expression builder, macro builder or code builder or another way?  Sorry if I sound ultra's all new to me


  • Why not just change the database to a Access project that connects directly to SQL?

  • The tables are connected to SQL, but the forms, reports and queries my users need remain in Access.  The problem is that the SQL connection, keeps disconnecting when multiple users are involved.


  • Sharon,

    Jeff was asking earlier whether you used System or User DSN's - I use System.

    The following functions will help with linked tables:

    The removedbo will rename a linked table dropping the dbo_ and it then operates similar to an Access table.

    The refreshODBC will refresh tables that were previously linked and also updates for changes made in SQL structures.


    As in Jeffs item you place the Refreshodbc function in the OnOpen method of a form that is set to run at startup - [Tools] [Startup] [Display Form/Page] formname.

    Sub RemoveDBO()

        Dim tbl As TableDef

        For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs

            If Len(tbl.Connect) > 0 Then

                tbl.NAME = Replace(tbl.NAME, "dbo_", "")

            End If


        Set tbl = Nothing

        MsgBox "Remove Complete"

    End Sub

    Function RefreshODBC() As Collection

        Dim tdf As TableDef, db As Database

        Set db = CurrentDb


        For Each tdf In db.TableDefs


            With tdf

                If Len(.Connect) > 0 Then

                    If Left$(.Connect, 4) = "ODBC" Then

       '             Debug.Print tdf.Connect

     '               tbl.Connect = Replace(tbl.Connect, "RTSERVER", "Ross28\ross")


                    End If

                End If

            End With


        Set tdf = Nothing

        Set db = Nothing

        MsgBox "Refresh Complete"

    End Function

  • guys are being extremely helpful.  I know I sould like a complete dolt, but where in the text do I put my connector info in?  I'm thinking in:

      tbl.Connect = Replace(tbl.Connect, "RTSERVER", "Ross28\ross")

    I've never had to do something remotely close to anything like this, so pretend (ha) you are working with a total newbie.

    Oh, and I use System DSN also.


  • Sharon - that commented out bit was for changing server.

    OK - in any sub place either or both commands and by calling that sub they will execute.

    Alternatively - press Ctrl-G and you will open the Immediate window

    Refreshodbc and press enter and the function will be called.


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