A SUM problem

  • I want to return a recordset with 2 columns "media_cost" and "production_cost"

    I also want to return the sum of all of the "media_cost" values

    here are my records:

    record_id | media _cost | production_cost


    1 | 14 | 12

    2 | 11 | 17

    3 | 7 | 10

    here is my intended results:

    media _cost | production_cost | thesum


    14 | 12 | 32

    11 | 17 | 32

    7 | 10 | 32

    here is the sql statement that I tried (BUT IT FAILS)

    i get an error message about "aggregate clause" (too long to type in entirity)




    sum(dbo.advertisements.media_cost) as thesum

    FROM dbo.advertisements

    Alternatively , it would be OK to return thesum in a 2nd recordset after the first one

    Anyone got any ideas

    thanks in advance

  • The message about "aggregate.." means that you are including a SUM(someColumn) along with other columns without specifying a GROUP BY clause.


    However, this is a perfect case for another resultset. You will simply be repeating the value of SUM(mediacost) over and over again. So simply do this:

    SELECT record_id, media_cost, production_cost
    FROM advertisements
    ORDER BY record_id
    SELECT SUM(media_cost) AS "TotalMediaCost" FROM advertisements

    Edited by - jpipes on 09/02/2003 12:35:53 PM

  • Correct. Should be in two recordsets. If for some reason, you really need it in a single set, try the following statement.

    SELECT media_cost, production_cost,
    (SELECT SUM(media_cost)
    FROM advertisements) as thesum
    FROM advertisements
  • thank you both for excellent answers.

    However where it fails though, is because I have to repeat the FROM clause. In the above example I really simplified my FROM clause. In the actual case there is a lot of joins. The WHERE clause is really complicated also.

    Is there a solution where I dont have to repeat the FROM and WHERE clause.

    Edited by - eamonroche on 09/03/2003 02:53:13 AM

  • Well, hard to tell what's best, if I don't know the database structure, number of records etc. But if your main concern is not to repeat the FROM and WHERE clauses, you could store the result in a table and then query this result table to obtain "thesum"...

    It remains to be seen whether it is better than to repeat the select on actual data, though. I'm not sure why you are trying to avoid repeating the FROM and WHERE... is it really that terrible?

  • Go ahead and post your real script, and we'll take a look.

  • i think that I sorted the problem [see script below] by using 2 select statements: a. SELECT INTO a temp table

    b. doing a SUM on the temp table

    if there is a better way let me know. thanks.

    CREATE Procedure HEBE_Report


    -by E.R. on Sept 2 '03



    @startdate datetime,

    @enddate datetime,

    @org_id int = null,

    @pub_id int = null,

    @media_size_id int = null,

    @cat_id int = null,

    @sub_cat_id int = null



    set nocount on

    declare @media_costs_all_positions money

    declare @production_cost_per_position money

    declare @total_cost money

    declare @vcTitle varchar(250)


    dbo.advertisements.actual_media_costs_all_positions as mediacostall,

    dbo.advertisements.actual_production_cost_per_position as prodcosteach,

    dbo.advertisements.date_of_publication as datepub,


    select count(*) from positions


    -- filter by org_id, cat_id and sub_cat_id

    dbo.positions.fk_healthboard_id = coalesce(@org_id, dbo.positions.fk_healthboard_id)


    dbo.positions.position_cat_id = coalesce(@cat_id, dbo.positions.position_cat_id)


    dbo.positions.position_sub_cat_id = coalesce(@sub_cat_id, dbo.positions.position_sub_cat_id)

    ) as poscount,

    dbo.publication_media_sizes.media_type_name as mediatypename,

    dbo.publications.publication_name as pubname

    -- note: the category and sub-category appear as both a ref to the position_categories table and also as a text version in the positions table

    into #myreporttable -- ie put into a temporary table which will be read later on

    FROM dbo.publication_media_sizes INNER JOIN

    dbo.publications ON dbo.publication_media_sizes.fk_pub_id = dbo.publications.publication_id RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.advertisements ON dbo.publication_media_sizes.pub_media_type_id = dbo.advertisements.fk_publication_media_type_id


    -- filter by pub_id, media_size_id, startdate , enddate

    dbo.publication_media_sizes.fk_pub_id = coalesce(@pub_id, dbo.publication_media_sizes.fk_pub_id)


    dbo.publication_media_sizes.pub_media_type_id = coalesce(@media_size_id, dbo.publication_media_sizes.pub_media_type_id)






    select *, poscount * prodcosteach as totprodcost, mediacostall + (poscount * prodcosteach) as totaladcost from #myreporttable order by datepub

    select sum(mediacostall + (poscount * prodcosteach)) as sum_totaladcost from #myreporttable

    drop table #myreporttable

    set nocount off



  • eamonroche,

    your proc looks ok. you may run into some performance problems further down the road if you're dealing with extremely high vlume datasets, but for now, everything looks cool. If this procedure is run often, you will likely see a high recompile rate for the procedure, or a bad query plan being used since you are creating, selecting from, and destroying a temp table all within a single proc. If you do see performance problems, you can always create the temp table outside of this procedure to alleviate the recompiles...


    Good job,


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