A Story of the Deleted Transaction Log

  • Richard M (8/7/2009)

    Charles, copy-only backups were introduced SQL Server 2005...... See here

    None of my 2005 SSMS installs have the magic check box. Not even recent Express instsalls. What are we doing wrong?

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Charles Kincaid (8/7/2009)

    I'm looking forward to the 2008 option of taking "copy only" backups that don't crap on my log chains.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but if you're talking about full backups, a full backup has never broken the log chain, whether it's normal or copy-only and this goes many versions back.



    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • You just need to grab the script and add they keyword COPY_ONLY to it.. IE set up the backup via SSMS and hit Ctrl-Shift-C rather than OK then paste into a query window and add COPY_ONLY.



    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • Charles Kincaid (8/7/2009)

    Richard M (8/7/2009)

    Charles, copy-only backups were introduced SQL Server 2005...... See here

    None of my 2005 SSMS installs have the magic check box. Not even recent Express instsalls. What are we doing wrong?

    The fact that it's not in the GUI doesn't mean it's not an available feature. 2005 has the copy_only feature, but it's missing from the dialog and so can only be used with scripted backups

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Uh oh! thread hijack...GSquared, stay on point dude. We are talking about corporate production databases, not automobiles... apples and oranges....

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • First thing that came to my mind was to try an 'undelete' utility. Windows only logically releases the disk space. if the physical location of the LDf was not reassigned for other storage, you might get lucky and recover the file.

  • If you are the one in charge of DB backup and recovery, you better know everyday how much space you still have on each host, on the data drive, log drive and backup drive. I like to keep 30% - 50% so we don't run into emergency. Your boss may object the budget but if s/he does not get a call in the night, s/he better come up with the money.:-P

  • Ol'SureHand (8/7/2009)

    Michael Oberhardt (7/14/2008)

    I've had a few issues with rogue transaction logs as well (on MSDE at any rate). Even on autoshrink I've had them grow to over 10GB, and didn't even notice it.

    Another thing I learned on this forum: never leave a DB in autoshrink mode.

    On MSDE it doesn't matter ... if you're the only one using it. But production databases will suffer a huge performance hit, and fragmentation will soon kill them off.

    Agreed, but if you have SQL 2008 you can inforce a server-wide policy on this and you will be rest assured that any database on all your db servers will not inadvertently have this checked. Again, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Yet another one of many reasons to ramp up to SQL 2008 as soon as you can. Travis.

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • talltop (8/7/2009)

    Uh oh! thread hijack...GSquared, stay on point dude. We are talking about corporate production databases, not automobiles... apples and oranges....

    Umm... we seem to have a little attitude problem here? Most of your posts seem to be overly attacking previous posters opinions.. Cool down dude...:cool: We're all trying to help here and while some post information that might not be accurate most do add bits and pieces of valuable information.

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  • Disagreeing with someone is much different than personally attacking them. Show me anywhere I have attacked anyone personally?

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • We all can disagree... and that is what makes some threads more interesting..maybe my choice of words was not correct.... I did not mean attacking them personally, but their opinions..... read your responses to Gail for example... but then again. maybe that's your way of expressing yourself....

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  • talltop (8/7/2009)

    Uh oh! thread hijack...GSquared, stay on point dude. We are talking about corporate production databases, not automobiles... apples and oranges....

    No, you were talking about people being ignorant of things that can have multi-million-dollar costs in aggregate.

    You apparently consider it shocking and frightening that some DBAs (probably most in my experience) aren't fully familiar with the differences between Simple and Full recovery, why you would pick one over the other, what they do, and what they're for. You mentioned that was frightening.

    I asked how common ignorance on something that many people deal with daily, with expensive possible side-effects of the ignorance, can be frightening, when it's as common as use of turn-signals. Tens of millions of people drive every day, and I think about six of us use our turn signals regularly. That piece of ignorance/apathy/whatever costs lives, ocassionally, and millions of dollars per year in car repair/replacement.

    The two are connected by a common thread of people doing things they consider safe and normal, but only because they are ignoring/ignorant of the potential consequences.

    I didn't make the parable as literal as all that, because I assumed (incorrectly) that you'd be up to the task of drawing the connection yourself.

    People, DBAs and otherwise, engage in risky and ignorant behavior constantly. If you use doorknobs without using disinfectant every time, you yourself are at great risk, actually. Have you ever rubbed your eyes with your hands without first sanitizing your hands with medical-grade disinfectants? How about eating fresh fruit/vegetables? There are literally millions of such risks that you encounter every day. So, why be shocked at a relatively unimportant one? Why frightened?

    That's not an excuse for ignorance. I just don't find emotionalizing the reaction has any value. Don't emote about it, just handle it and educate people for next time. Much less stress in life that way, and much more enjoyment.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Old Hand,

    I was expressing my PERSONAL opinion that I DO consider that elementary type of db ignorance of DBA team members so common as frightening. Particularly, on production databases holding a companies revenue worth possible millions of dollars. This is much different than handling vegetables as far as I am concerned. I was not speaking for anyone else or condemning anyone else. I was just stating my opinion on the matter. I even prefaced this specifically in the prior post by saying " but that is just me.." I was not judging anyone else and apologize if it was taken that way. I still do not see where this can be construed as personally attacking anyone though....forum members are entitled to have an dissenting opinion as long as they are not personally attacking anyone and I still do not think that I was attacking anyone in particular...Disagreeing? Yes. Attacking? No..

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • ... I just took some time to read trough your posts on this site and realize that it indeed seems to be your way of expression, and again, I did not imply that you were attacking anyone in particular, but it seemed to me it was more than disagreeing to a particular post... Anyway, Don't worry and be happy...

    Oh and you (as well as many others) seem to frequently mix the Forum Name/Handle with the rank.... in your case it would be "Valued Member" 😉

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  • talltop (8/7/2009)

    Uh oh! thread hijack...GSquared, stay on point dude. We are talking about corporate production databases, not automobiles... apples and oranges....

    Hate to tell you, but discussion threads here on SSC due tend to go off on tangents at times. Happens all the time and is part of being a SQL Server Communitity, not just a SQL Server Forum. In fact if you carefully read the tagents, you will find them quite enlightening. Plus, they usually come back to the main topic on their own.

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